Thursday, November 29

Featured Sponsor Love + Giveaway: Kitty and Buck

I'm so excited for what I have for you guys this morning! I'm honored for the chance to introduce you to a good friend that I've been working with for the past few months, and who has been my Featured Sponsor for the month of November: Shell of Kitty and Buck! I love everything about this lady and her blog, and it is definitely in my list of top favorites.  Her space is full to the brim with beautiful photography, helpful tutorials, adorable kitties, frequent giveaways, her impeccable taste in clothes, and.. here, why not just let her tell you a little more about herself?! Take it away darlin':
Hi! My name is Shell, affectionately known as Kitty. I live in Sydney, Australia and I'm engaged to a charming fella from Arizona. I run the show over at Kitty & Buck, where I blog about creative inspiration, photography, travel, fashion, books and picnics - I also throw in the occasional DIY and recipe post! I launched Kitty & Buck this year as a reason to take more photographs. What started off as a photo-a-day blog but it quickly grew into something else entirely. 
Around the same time, I opened my Etsy shop, also called Kitty & Buck, where I sell handmade accessories such as hair bows, detachable collars, vintage jewelry and whatever else takes my making fancy. This month I launched design services for all of you bloggers and small business owners out there, I am a professional graphic designer by trade and absolutely love the art of designing for a more handmade/small business clientele. 
In the next 12 months, I'm working toward 'working for myself'. I've done my time as a designer for large business for a while now and that corporate office environment is not for me. I thrive on a more personal connection with my clients and creating work of value to someone personally. 

I have already lived in London and traveled throughout the UK, Ireland and France. I've also visited over half of the states in the USA! I love travelling and I know when I'm my own boss, I'll definitely have a flexible vacation allowance, or at least a nice work-from-home-or-tropical-island policy! I still hold out some hope of playing music and creating short films as well. 
I don't know the meaning of the word bored :) When I'm not working, you'll find me snuggled on the couch with my cats and fiance, watching an old movie or reading a book, and when the weather is right, taking a hike through the woods. 
My favorite thing about blogging is meeting new people, so don't be shy, come on over and say hello! :)
Blog // Shop // Twitter // Instagram // Bloglovin' // Pinterest

Thanks Shell! and if that wasn't enough, now we're moving onto the giveaway!

What: Shell has been generous enough to offer one of you lucky readers $75 worth of her fabulous design services! You can choose to use it for a few smaller items, or to put it towards a full blog design. Whatever you want! Now is the perfect time as well  because Shell is offering her full blog design package at 50% off for a limited number of bookings. Just in time for the new year!
When: Today through Wednesday, the 12th of December at 11:00pm MST

Eligibility: You must be a follower of this blog (on GFC) to participate in sponsor giveaways:)

How to enter: You must be a follower of Kitty and buck to enter the giveaway. Leave a comment below telling me you follow Kitty and Buck + Freckled Fox, and that's it! Feel free to ad what you're excited to use the design credit towards!

Optional Bonus Entries: 
+1: Follow Kitty and Buck on Twitter, 
+1: Follow Kitty and Buck on Bloglovin', 
+1: Follow Kitty and Buck on Instagram, (@kittyandbuck)  
+1: Tweet about the giveaway using the tweet: "Crossing my fingers to win $75 in Design Services from @kittyandbuck on @Emilymeyers13 blog! "
+1: Share the giveaway on Facebook, Pinterest, Tumblr, or your own blog,
+1: Follow Freckled Fox on Facebook
+1: Follow Freckled Fox on Twitter
Along with Freckled Fox tradition, you have your usual 8 entries to give you a boost towards winning this amazing opportunity! Be sure and leave a separate comment for each bonus entry so you get as many as you deserve! The winner will be chosen at random, and then contacted by Kitty shortly after the giveaway concludes.

Thank you all for your support of Kitty and Buck, and Good Luck to everyone!! 
xoxo, Emmy

                        subscribe  facebook  shop ♥ twitter ♥ pinterest ♥ bloglovin


  1. Hai em, i can`t express how much i love you blog. The pictures are like a proooo.. hehehe and you are so kind by spoiling us with giveaway. Also, not snobby and kindly visit to other blogs! Love..

    Question: i live in indonesia, can i join this? hehehe it would be hard to do the payment overseas though. If you have a way, i really don`t mind.

  2. WOw, Shell looks pretty awesome and her items too. Cool. Thanks for sharing Emily :)

    I'd like to invite you all to participate as well in my very first Blog giveaway (^_^)
    #ChaiChenGiveaways (International)
    Chai's December Birthday Bash - 1st Giveaway!
    Win shoes, clothing, and accessories worth around $88 from Asianvogue Shop, FlauntPH, and Bedazzle Accessories!


  3. I follow Kitty and Buck on Twitter!

  4. Following Kitty and Buck on Bloglovin'!

  5. i'm following kitty and buck and freckled fox. love reading both of your blogs :)

  6. I also follow Kitty and Buck via GFC! xoxoxo

  7. I follow Kitty and Buck on Twitter!

  8. I follow Kitty and Buck on Bloglovin! xoxoxoxo

  9. Hi.

    I follow botg Kitty and Buck and Freckled Fox on GFC, Twitter. I also follow Freckled Fox on Facebook and have tweeted about the give away :-)


  10. I follow kitty and buck on twitter

  11. I follow kitty and buck on bloglovin'

  12. I follow The Freckled Fox via HelloCotton and I follow Kitty and Buck via GFC!
    Thanks for the fabulous giveaway!

    Lou x

  13. I follow Kitty and Buck on twitter! (Usename is @littlemiddlelou)

    Lou x

  14. I follow Kitty and Buck on Bloglovin'!

    Lou x

  15. I follow Kitty and Buck on Instagram! (Username name is @littlelew)

    Loh x

  16. I follow Emily on Twitter! (Username @littlemiddlelou)

    Thanks so much! Lou x
