Saturday, March 10

Weekend Wrap-Up #1

Hello lovelies!! I don't know if you noticed that there was no bits and pieces last week, or a this moment the last two weeks, but I'm here to tell you know that I'm molding both those weekend feature posts into one, and calling it weekend wrap-up! That way I can have more days free to present you with more lovely posts! I'm looking forward to sharing fun things we did or tried, maybe some goals for the coming days, and all the while sharing fun miscellaneous pictures from the weeks adventures!!

This Week: It started out with lots of housework and good chores crossed off the list, a few fun errands (new baby stuff!), our first walk of the season (and second, and third.hehe), I crossed off a lot of personal goals, Martin officially started a new novel! I had a fun visit with my ladies at the quilters guild (and am looking forward to a swap we're doing), lots of fun treats and late mornings, and today is a play day! 

Weekly Snapshots:

Weeks Favorite:
Next Week: Really looking forward to a lot of photoshoots, car trips, house progress, quilting, and a lot of snuggly movie nights. Be on the lookout ofr some really fun tutorials and recipes as well!

Most popular post of the week: My hanger makeover tutorial of course!

A Few Facts: 
  • I'm a 'Whovien' (Doctor Who fan).
  • I ate four small watermelon last week by myself.
  • I can clog.
  • I love to vacuum. It really relaxes me.
  • Martin is awesome at the bagpipes:)
Hope you have a cozy weekend all!
xo, Emily


  1. oh my God! those baby are so cute !
    check my blog if you have time <3


  2. Your weekends look so amazing. So peaceful. I imagine with those cute little kiddies of your that i am wrong about the peaceful part.

  3. Hey Emily!
    Your blog is sooo super cute! It was great seeing you at quilt guild and it looks like your week was amazing.
    xoxo- kz

  4. thank you for the sweet comments! Cazz you're right, we have to work on the peacful part a lot of the time.haha and thanks for stopping by KZ! good to see you too:)
