Monday, October 27

A Baby Favorites Giveaway!

Happy Monday you guys! You guys know how I feel about Mondays even though I know it's a pretty unique perspective.haha So I won't go into how stoked I am about the start of a new week and all, but I am excited to pass on this really fun giveaway today for some baby favorites:
Some of you may remember far enough back in reading to when I was still pregnant with little miss Lydia? Well I had the opportunity to collaborate with a bunch of ladies back then that were having babies around the same time as I was, and now it's been almost a year for us and our little ones are getting so big! Here's a little side-by-side to where we were last year and where we are today:
Can you believe she turns one just next week?! She is easily the easiest kiddo in the house these days, and is such a joy to be around, it's hard to remember back to when she wasn't a regular part of my life! It's crazy to think about all that has happened since Halloween last year when I was already a few weeks past my due date as a very pregnant Rosie the Reviter, her home-birth, all the milestones, her first teeth, belly laughs and so on. We love her more and more every day and we're so excited to celebrate her big day next week!
Do you guys know Lynzy and Olivia? Olivia turned one a little over a week ago, and has the thickest dark hair-I love it to pieces! Lynzy and I have been online buddies for a while now, and I've always been a sucker for her beautiful photography. I really love visiting her blog for her cute outfits and yummy recipes the most, and I know you're going to love her blog!
And here is Abbey and Wesley! Tomorrow is actually Wesley's birthday, and Abbey is the one who put this whole thing together for you guys! I've always felt like if Abbey and I lived closer that we'd be instant real life friends because we have so much in common and she is down to earth! I also love seeing how she styles outfits and getting inspiration from her DIY's and recipes is always a given. 

And now on to the fabulous items being given away and the giveaway itself!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
And there you have it! I couln't be more excited about bringing one of you lucky ladies so many awesome products that we love so much here at our house, and I wish you all the best of luck!
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  1. Yay! Thanks for the awesome giveaway! Just starting to collect things for my little girl coming in February!


  2. What gorgeous pics of everyone with their babies! And a lovely giveaway package! I love finding out what other moms like to use.

  3. Lovely!!!!!! Not that I doubt you, but are you serious about your littlest being your easiest? I hope so because I am about to have baby number two (I'm trying to catch up to you;) and I am so nervous about how different he will be! I hope he will be easier since my daughter will be 1 and a half and she is so active! She was the sweetest and easiest baby though, so hopefully her brother follows her example;)
