Monday, May 19

Win a canon rebel from my girls - A Group Sponsor DSLR Giveaway

Happy Monday guys! These group sponsor giveaway's are always so much fun because I get to really introduce you to a bunch of ladies (most of the time:)) that have been a huge support to The Freckled Fox, and that really want to meet and get to know you! The last time I got to scheming with my sidebar sponsors we gave away a Canon Rebel T3i, and it was such a huge success with you guys I thought that it would be an awesome item to give away again! Just look at this beauty: :)
Awesome right!? As I said the last time we gave one of these bad boys away, I literally get hundreds of emails from people wanting advice in starting a blog or a shop or even just wanting to take things to the next level, and having a DSLR camera can really help so much!! Even if you already have one or it's not really your thing, a back-up is Always a good idea and it would make an Amazing gift as well, so there:)

I'm the lucky one that gets to email the winners each time a giveaway concludes and give them the good news, and even though each prize is hand-picked and a treat to send off, something so big and literally life changing like this is so amazing to be able to give away. So now please click around a bit and say hi to these beautiful and talented bloggers and shop/business owners that have made this giveaway possible for you! 
Notes: The giveaway will run for ten days, the winner will be selected at random, contacted, and announced shortly after the giveaway concludes. Yes this is open internationally! The winner will receive the Canon Rebel T3i in a kit with an 18-55mm lens, a battery and a battery charger. Winner's entries will be verified before the public announcement. If you're interested in checking out all the amazing specifications of the camera, this is a great list though it's not the camera that you'll be receiving:) Enter below:
UPDATE: The Winner has been announced in This Post Here! Thank you all for your participation and continued support of my sponsors and I! We love you guys! xoxoxo
And that's it! As always, make sure that you complete each of the entries in turn or at least as many as you can to give yourself better odds at receiving this girl in the mail! Each entry is a new way to meet and support the bloggers who are bringing you this giveaway, and they're huge supports to me, so it's basically one big love fest that you should join in on:)

Thanks so much for visiting today, and I can't wait to hear what you're going to use your new camera for! Love you guys so much, and I hope you have a great start t your new week!
Take care,
xo, Emily
P.S. In case you're interested in keeping up with my videos that won't necessarily be on the blog:) :
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  1. OMG i totally need this to get way better outfit photos for my blog! i'd love to win!

  2. I have been wanting to go back to the Rebel series of cameras for a while. They've gotten SO fast and are so much lighter weight than my big ol' 20D.

  3. I really love to use the camera for my blog - because they bent me my camera in my last sicilia-holidays last november.... ;(

    Greets from the EDELFABRIK

  4. This would be awesome to have! I'm looing to upgrade my current Canon camera and I've wanted a T3i forever!

  5. I would use this amazing camera to take pictures of my 10-month-old son! With so many changes and milestones happening so fast, capturing these moments is so important!

  6. Taking pictures of my kids, of course! Great giveaway!

  7. Oh my gosh! We totally need this for our blog! :) {Fingers crossed!}

  8. My friend and I recently started a style blog this past fall and we've been using our iPhones to take photos. While it worked in the beginning, we feel that having a nice camera such as this Canon Rebel would help take our blog to the next level! We would we be so grateful to win this camera!!


  9. I'd definitely use the camera for the newest addition coming in July. :)

  10. I would love to do a photography course, I have always wanted to learn, but don't really have a professional camera or the money to buy one

  11. I took many photography courses before digital cameras and photography became the norm. I would like to learn on a real digital camera, as opposed to my iPhone camera. I want to take better pictures of my family and travels

  12. I had taken photography classes growing up in the non-digital world. I would like to take the dive into digital photography and take pictures of my family and travels that are not on my iPhone!

  13. Absolutely AMAZING giveaway. I've been looking for a new camera so I can take professional photos of my artwork and It would really help me take nicer outfit posts.

  14. I would use it to take pictures when I travel

  15. I would be so excited to win! Mine is an old hand-me-down point and shoot from my dad ;)

  16. As I am trying to start my own blog a new camera would be fantastic for making sure I have great pictures to go with my content! As a new puppy mom I can't buy my own just yet so this would be a blessing for sure!

  17. Great giveaway! I would use it to make better-quality videos for my YouTube channel :)

  18. I would love to enter... Thank you so much xx

  19. I've been looking for many ways to make my own blog better, and it seems that although contect should always be front and center, it's the photos that can really reel new folks in and get them hooked. Since I'm just starting out, my phone is the only thing I have at the moment to give my posts a little pizazz, but I would love the opportunity to get in some beautiful shots with this AWESOME camera! I'll keep my fingers crossed!

  20. I own an online shop so I would def use the camera to take better pictures of my products!

  21. Fantastic giveaway! It's the perfect accessory for travelling :)

  22. Fantastic giveaway! It's the perfect travel accessory to capture every moment :)

  23. That would be the perfect camera for school!

  24. Wow, this is so exciting! I currently have a Canon Rebel, but it was before they had video recording, I'd love to get one that has that. I was actually contemplating getting a new one because of that...fingers crossed!

  25. I've had my eye on this camera for so long! I studied photography, but strictly film, and this is the perfect digital camera to help me transition over!

  26. I've had my eye on this camera for so long! It's the perfect transition from film photography to digital for me :)

  27. Thank you for this giveaway ! I'll use this camera to snap the most beautiful pictures . Best wishes to all.

  28. I would love to get good photos of my family!

  29. We are having a baby girl next month and need a nice camera! This would be such a great timing and put to good use :)

  30. having a baby girl next month and this would be prefect timing!!!!

  31. i need new real camera so bad! mine is so old that my iphone now has more megapixels -arrgggg

  32. So fun! I really want to upgrade my camera but they're so much money. This would be perfect! :)

  33. I'd photograph my three little pigs!

  34. Close ups for of my nail poilshes!! I will swatch them all over again :)) And not just that, I love to indulge into food photography :)

  35. Such a great giveaway, Emily! I'm glad I could be a part of it! ((:

  36. Wow, this would be so amazing! Sure would beat my iPhone as my current camera...

  37. I'd love to use it for blogging!

  38. Awesome! I've never had a great camera, but I'd love to get one and learn how to use it.

  39. I would use it for my style blog! Amazing giveaway!

  40. I would use this camera to improve my blog to take better pictures of outfits, makeup looks and everything in between. And I just moved to another countryso it would be lovely to take photos of the city and everything there is to see :)

  41. I would love to win this!!! My camera doesn't autofocus so I would love to upgrade!

  42. I would love this. Your blog is so cute.

  43. I would love an upgrade to my old digital camera to take better shots as I explore Chicago and share more of it on my blog!

  44. I love Canon! I need machine to take a lot of pictures with my friends and my boyfriens =)

  45. I would use it to document my soon-to-begin new life with my soon-to-be husband! :)

  46. I've been wanting this camera for months! I would use it for food blogging and my everyday life.

  47. I have a Rebel xs, but I would LOVE an extra camera. (Though if I got this one, my xs would be demoted to the extra!) And I've been drooling over the t3i since my cousin got hers. Maybe this will inspire me to sit down and (re)start blogging!

  48. I'd love to use this to capture fun family moments!!

  49. i dont have a camera so this would sooooooo cool :)

  50. My camera is shot, I could definetly use a new one :) great giveaway!

  51. My husband would love this and seems like a perfect gift for his birthday this summer!

  52. My husband would love this and seems like a perfect gift for his upcoming birthday!!

  53. I love to win this camera so that I could maybe make photography a new creative outlet!


  54. Awesome giveaway! And love your fitness transformation posts from before

  55. I've been seriously considering starting a blog for a while now - and so this would be something to force me to do it, as I don't have a decent camera at the moment. Amazing giveaway! x

  56. I will use the camera to take pictures while traveling, so fun!!

  57. Wow, this is such a generous giveaway! And I'm always so excited to discover new bloggers! :)

  58. I'm having my first baby in September so this would be so perfect to capture special memories!

  59. Wow, what an amazing give-away :) I'd use the camera on my travels I'd imagine & for bettering my blog!

    Sam xx

  60. I would use it to take pics of my family. I'd love to be able to take pics at their sporting events that aren't blurry!!

  61. This is so generous and exciting! I have so enjoyed reading your blog and am excited to check out the others. :)

  62. My husband and I will be going on vacation and plan on traveling to different places in the world and this would be great to win and take photos to remember all of our vacations by.. we currently use our phones to take pictures so it would be nice to use a camera that is great!!! Would love to win. Thank you all for hosting this giveaway. My email is :)

  63. I would really love to use the DSLR to get my blog up to par with Southern Blog Society standards so I could join. I had an amazing camera, but in September we had a burglary and they took that (along with all our computers, speakers, a radio... but I'm finding I'm missing the DLSR the most.)

  64. I would really like a good camera so I can take good, quality photos of my kids. They are just growing so fast and I need a great camera so I can have memories!

  65. I could so use one of these. I love photography, but I just have a point and shoot camera right now. My free time would be full of photos!

  66. Awesome giveaway! *fingers crossed*

  67. I would love to have a better camera so that I can take amazing pictures when my husband and I move to Hong Kong and then post them on my blog. There is so much beauty in Hong Kong! I want to show and share what it's like to move to a foreign country! (current Utah girl)

  68. Multimedia is my formation area so this camera would be great to use at work!

  69. I love to take pictures of my daughter Unfortunately, I dont have a nice camera so this would be amazing!

  70. Oh, where to start? I would obviously use it to take pictures of my little one juno-iris. But most of all I would take pictures for my blog, as i only use my camera on my phone at the moment :(. Great giveaway, good luck everyone. xx

  71. It's nice to have a really good camera for vacations and blogging.

  72. I'd love to take some real quality pictures of my two sons. They're so fast that I feel my little point & shoot doesn't really capture the true essence of what I'm trying to photograph!

  73. Ahhhh, I need this camera! I got a "nice" camera in high school, but when I took it out the other day to take pictures of my clothes to sell, the pictures came out terribly. I am embarrassed to say that my iPhone takes better pictures than my "nice" camera...

  74. This would be so cool to have! I am an aspiring photographer and this would make
    taking pictures so much easier!

  75. I'm pregnant with my first babe- due at the beginning of July. I desperately need a camera to snap pictures of my little boy. I seriously cannot wait until he is here! And a new camera would be icing on the cake. Would love to win! Fingers crossed!!!

  76. I would love this camera to improve the quality of photos used in my blog posts, as well as lend ease to filming YouTube videos

  77. For higher quality on my blog and for good quality YouTube videos.

  78. I'd really love this to amp up my photos and videos!

  79. I have been stressing about my low quality shots of my handpainted furniture! I would love a nice camera to really show off the pieces that I work soooo hard on. Thanks!

  80. I would love to have a nice camera to jump start my handpainted furniture business!
    I've been stressing about my low quality shots :/

  81. I would love this to annoy my kids and take their picture everyday. They grow so fast I don't want to miss anything.

  82. My toddler just threw my dslr on the floor. I have been devastated! I would love this!

  83. I'm from the UK, but I am coming over to the US for a month soon - to see family and travel around - and I'd love to be able to document my experiences and memories with some fantastic photos! I've never been before and I'm so excited!

  84. This is awesome!! What a wonderful giveaway!

  85. I have been toying with the idea of getting a good camera, rather than just taking pictures on my iphone. This would be perfect!

  86. Would love to win it! I really want a Canon DSLR but don't have the money :(

  87. Oh my, I'd LOVE to win this! I'm trying so hard to have better photos for my blog & everyday pictures & this would be perfect, fingers crossed!!

  88. I love this giveaway. Thanks so much for organizing so many amazing things. This will be so helpful as I am trying to build up my own blog. I am always walking around thinking to myself that "I wish I could take a picture of this and have it look good." I really hope I win this one.

    Lovin' Lee Life

  89. Cameras are the best all the time to capture the moments, but especially when traveling! :) Hoping I win!

  90. I would use this to take photos, just as a hobby!

  91. I have a little girl who is 8 months old and growing up right before my eyes! I don't have something like this to capture all of those great moments (except for my iPhone) and I would love to have something to be able to record all of our big milestones! With her and my future children! This is a must have for someone who is just starting their little fam! :) xo

  92. I would love to win this camera-my husband and I have been talking about taking photography classes together and this would give us a great start! Always fun to find new things to do with your spouse :)

  93. What an amazing giveaway! I would love a camera since the only one I have is on my phone.

  94. what a wonderful idea! I am having fun perusing all these wonderful blogs :)

  95. What an amazing giveaway! I would love a new camera since the only one I currently have is on my phone.

  96. I'd love to win! I'd take better family and product pictures! Try to get away from using my phone all the time!

  97. If love to have this camera to take pics of the little baby due in September!

  98. I hope I win! I would love to take some classes and learn how to use it!

  99. Ahh! I commented and it said it didn't work! Anyway, I have a little baby girl who is 8 months old & growing right before my eyes! I don't have something like this to document all of her important milestones! I'm always snapping beautiful pictures on my iPhone but a camera like this would be so great to have, especially since I'm just starting out my little fam :) I have thought about starting a blog too so maybe this would be a good start to that! Such a perfect giveaway- thanks! Xoxo

  100. I would use the camera to take pictures of my girls and for my blog! Excited for a great quality camera!

  101. For some reason it won't let me enter. I really want to get into Photography and this is exactly what I want.

  102. I've been planning to upgrade my camera soon and this is exactly what I need! I would use it for my blog.

  103. Oh this is awesome! I need a camera like this ASAP to start taking better pictures. The one that I have is super old and cheap and bought it for a photography class. Thanks for this!

  104. For some reason it won't let me enter. I really want to do Photography and this is exactly what I want.

  105. I love to travel and I would use the camera to take pictures to catch all those beautiful places our world offers. And I need to improve my makro shots, which i love. ;)

  106. Amazing giveaway! I just got into photography. Can't wait to learn more.


  107. To take beautiful photos ^.^

  108. I will use it to take pictures of my family

  109. For documenting my adventures in Australia :)

  110. I would love this! I am two little boys and plan on adding to my family soon. Would love a great camera to capture amazing photos of my family!

    PS love your blog!

  111. Does "three month old baby" say "Need' loud and clear?! :)

  112. i would use it to compete with one of my friends who also has a canon camera haha!! :D

  113. To take pictures of my daughter.

  114. I would use it to compete with my friend on taking the best pictures, as she also has a canon camera haha!! :D

  115. Does a three month old baby say, "Need"?! :)

  116. what an amazing giveaway. i dont win things, but how cna you NOT enter this, am i right? i would love a camera like this, fancier than my fancy point and shoot ;) but we just cant afford to drop that much on a camera. womp womp. love your blog lady!

  117. Got my fingers crossed!!! I am wanting to start taking photography lessons. Many of my friends, including my brother, are photographers. I want to capture the special and little moments in life that we so often take for granted.

  118. Would love to use this camera to photography my growing babies

  119. I would love to win this camera! I have been over weight for the past couple years and it affected me in so many ways. After trying for almost 3 years to get pregnant it finally happened! Now 8 weeks postpartum and 25 pounds lighter and counting! I would love a nice camera to document my new lifestyle along with my beautiful baby girls life! You are so inspiring to me!

  120. Oh, I am going to take a million pictures of our family get together this summer. Also, take a million pictures of our nature walks.

  121. It's about time to replace my camera (with 3 kids it has been through a lot!) and this would be a great one.

  122. Oh my goodness, this is an amazing giveaway. I've wanted one for years!

  123. I'd use the camera for my job as an assistant photographer!

  124. I'd love to use this camera for my job as an assistant photographer!

  125. Vacations, Nieces and Nephews, photos for my etsy shop!

  126. I would use it to take pictures of my girls!

  127. I have a big first ever trip to Europe planned for this winter and this would be the perfect way to document my big solo adventure!

  128. This is such an exciting giveaway! Would love to be able to use it to take pictures and videos for my blog! :)

  129. I would use it to help start up my own blog! :)

  130. Such a great giveaway. Love it!

  131. I have wanted a decent camera for a while, I love to take pictures of my family!

  132. I am reeeeally excited about even the thought of ever having a dslr camera! Thank you so much for the chance to win (: I would use it to start doing photography or to help build a website for modest clothes I make!

  133. I'd love to gift this to my friend, a new mommy!

  134. I'd love to use it to take better pictures for my blog :)

  135. I am going to Italy to get married and I would love a camera like this to take along with me. It would be a dream come true!

  136. I am getting married in Italy and would love to have a camera to capture all of the special moments!

  137. My mom is an artist, and in Brazil that stuff is reeeeallyyy expensive and she really needs one. I would give it to her as a present :)

  138. I would L.O.V.E. to win this camera to take pictures of my little almost 3 month old baby girl! No more resorting to the camera on my phone only, please!!

  139. I would L.O.V.E. to win this camera to take pictures of my almost 3 month old baby girl! No more resorting to the camera on my phone, please!

  140. OMG! I would travel a lot with this camera! :D

  141. I have always wanted a camera like this and now would be perfect timing. I have a daughter that will be getting married soon, another one having a baby soon and a couple vacations planned for hubby and I.

  142. wow! This looks amazing! I would love it to take some amazing pictures of my kids. So we can have them forever and create wonderful memories! Thanks for the chance.

  143. I just use my iphone for pictures so I'd love to win so I have a great camera to document our lives.

  144. I've been needing a new camera for a long time. The point and shoot just isn't cutting it any more :)

  145. I'll be using it to take pictures for my blog! I've been looking into cameras for a little bit now so this would be awesome!

  146. Hello! Oh my goodness, I've always wanted a quality camera. I would take pictures of anyone & everything! lol I would use it mostly for my grandson and, as I live in Florida, many nature photos. Thank-you for this generous giveaway!

  147. Oh, I would love to use it for my blog photos and also for hobbies and photos just for fun! Definitely would be an improvement.

  148. I would use the camera to take amazing pics for my blog!

  149. I would be so excited to win this so I could take a million pictures of my baby boy!!

  150. I will use it to take pictures of my family!

  151. I've started going walking a lot and i love taking photos of my views

  152. I would use if for shooting films and taking pictures. ♡

  153. My husband has wanted this camera for a LONG TIME to embark on better youtube video making. :)

  154. Thank you for such a great giveaway. I would love this to use for my blog to keep a record of our home schooling adventures.

  155. I've secretly wanted to start a blog for years. I keep telling myself if I ever get a nice camera, I'll have no more excuses not to!

  156. I have been dreaming of one of these! Would be perfect forphotos of our new baby boy!

  157. I have been dreaming about owning one of these! Would be perfect for capturing moments with our baby boy & family!

  158. I'd love to use this camera for creative business endeavors, but also as an outlet for emotional healing.

  159. Taking pictures of my little girl and nail polishes.))
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  160. OH my goodness!! I need this SO MUCH!!!! I have lots of beautiful grandchildren to take pictures of, and I am a professional doula, and often find myself taking pictures of brand new babies for beautifully pre-occupied parents! (who wants to worry about doing that when you can SNUGGLE??)

  161. I'd love to use it to take pictures of my dyi projects!

  162. I don't have camera :( I really want to win!

  163. I was blogging for a second before my daughter was born and want to return to it now that she's here. I have deleted all my blogs because I wasn't happy with the quality! This is just what I would need to capture my crafts and recipes!!

  164. I would love to use it on my family trip to Mexico, in July.

  165. To finally take a photography course, of course! :) This would make my dream of becoming a pro photographer a looot more accessible.

  166. I would take more outdoor photos.

  167. What an awesome giveaway! I was just telling my husband that I have got to stop relying on my iphone for our pictures - this would be PERFECT!

  168. I think having a camera like this would be just the turning point to make me explore and be more creative taking pictures. I love taking pictures of places and people, people usually tell me I take too many but then they ask me for my pics too, hehe. And oh, well, this would be perfect to take pics of my triathlete boyfriend, an amazing camera to capture the amazing moments we share. Oh and we're gonna start taking weekend trips with our van so that's again one more reason to enjoy such beauty. And close ups of my lovely cat Umi... I think I'm gonna have a hard time trying to sleep tonight just thinking of all the pics I would be able to take... Oh and I'm from Barcelona, in Spain :)

  169. I'd love to use the camera to take photos of my future kiddos :)

  170. I would use it to develop my skills taking macro pictures. I love the tiniest details in nature.

  171. I would use the opportunity to hone my macro photo skills. I love the tiniest details in nature.

  172. I used to have a pretty nice camera until I lost it :( I haven't been able to afford a new one so I have been camera-less for a few years now. I really want to be able to take pictures of my family again :)

  173. My friend has a camera like this and I'm always stealing it at lunch to take pictures with. I would love to have one of my own to work on my photography skills, something I've wanted to develop for years!

  174. For my blog, to capture the beautiful Texas sky & to remember the changing faces of my 3 little darlings! thanks for the opportunity!

  175. I want! I need! Oh baby ooh baby! Seriously though, really hope I win!

  176. I'd love to use it for vacations with my husband and documenting our travels. :)

  177. I want! I need! Oh baby ooh baby! Seriously though, really hope I win!

  178. This camera looks AWESOME! I am an athlete on the US National Skeleton team and I travel the world competing and reppin' the USA. This bad boy would be great to photograph the amazing places I am fortunate to travel to instead of always using my phone!

  179. OMG!! I really need this :D

  180. This camera looks AWESOME! I am an athlete on the US National Skeleton team and I am fortunate to travel the world, compete and rep the USA! This camera would be great to photograph these great places, especially when I'm overseas visiting new places! You can follow my journey via my blog at:

  181. I would love to win this, I've wanted to get better at photography for so long! I'd mostly be taking photos of my beautiful babies though :)

  182. I'd definitely use it for taking pictures of my outfits for my blog!
