Friday, May 11

Friday Finds #19 & the Color of the Month

Well looks like another friday snuck right up didn't it! Strange, with how much I look forward to Fridays you'd think it wouldn't come as such a surprise to me when they're actually here. Oh well!
You may have noticed that this is the second month in a row that I've had to mix my color of the month post with a Friday Finds. I suppose its just because every day is so valuable, that if I can blend like posts together than I do! And besides its not like its a bad thing, since they are so similar in the first place, alls I have to do is make sure all my finds are in the color of the month! As if I had to tell you, the color this month is Mint green. I'm just in serious like with this color lately, 
and this week I found...
...this flower key necklace. I'm a sucker for old fashioned keys in the first place, but with the sweet flower it just takes the cake!
mint green

...these mint green jeans... need I say more? Alright all I will say is that I want a pair asap.
Mint green jeans
...this recipe for shamrock shakes! I'm actually not a huge mint desserts fan, but I may just have to give these a try! 
I like green things. =D
...this guitar in... you guessed it, mint green:) I'm a sucker for a colorful instrument, especially one that has hearts on it.haha

...this beautiful bike from Etsy! I love the basket. Too bad its a photograph for sale and not the bike itself!
mint green bike
...this kitchen. If I hadn't just redone my kitchen in red and beige, I would for sure go for this look! So bright and warm!
mint green cabinets
...these moccasins. Not the best idea in hot weather, but maybe come fall? I'm thinking yes!
mint green moccasins
...these pistachio macaroons!! I only wish I could find the recipe:( maybe if I looked a little harder...
mint green treats :)
...this messenger bag! Sorry about all the exclaimation points, these items just all get me so excited! haha This bag is also from etsy. I actually want it in about every color of the rainbow.
Mint green bag
...this fine art photo from flickr. I'm just in love with the retro radio in this color! Man I guess I just love this color.haha
...mmm this yummy looking pistachio dessert from taste of home. Doesn't it look so tasty? The base is mostly walnuts, with pistachio pudding and whipped cream. Yum!
Holiday Pistachio Dessert Recipe
...oh Anthropologie, why do you always make life so hard? and... expensive? haha

...and last but not least, these gorgeous pumps. I just love the shape, the height, and the color of them. How come no one links to the origional source on pinterest anymore? especially with high-heels!?! Grrr...
#mint #heels #yes.
via (update: a reader found the shoes! Thanks! via)

Thanks for stopping by today to check out my weeks finds! Which is your favorite? I'd love to hear!
xo, Emmy


  1. I'm loving this mint color so much this season! The shoes are my fav of course!

  2. That color is lovely- and I'm really loving those moccasins! Cute!

    Wishing you a great weekend!

    xo Kayla

  3. One word - YUM! xoxo

  4. Love mint color, love those shoes!!!

  5. The necklace...the mocs.... LOVE!

  6. Ijust bought some of those anthro bowls, now eating cheerios seems more glamorous haha! So sad that etsy bag shop in on vacay, i love it!

  7. Mint green is one of my fav colours :) love the moccasins!

  8. love that color, but that necklace is just perfect!

  9. I have always loved mint green. My first prom dress was mint. My kids make fun of me because I would not throw away a shirt that was mint....I didnt necessarily like the shirt any more...just the color!

  10. Mint green is lovely! There's only one item in this color already in my wardrobe, I guess I should work on that :)

  11. Oh my what a great post! I too am in love with mint green at the moment, I am desperate for a pair of mint green skinnies but none of the shops nearby sell them! and I would also adore that mint green kitchen, and the mint green cruising bike! This post was some serious eye candy!

  12. I will take one of those shakes

  13. SHoes here ladies:
