Hey loves!
I really hope that you enjoyed some beautiful weather today and that your September is off to a good start:)
We wrapped up our first week of school yesterday and everything is starting to run more smoothly at home already. It was a pretty fantastic Summer, the 'best ever' as the kids had been saying with every new trip and activity we introduced.haha Thinking back over the last couple of years and how incredibly hard and complex our last few Summers have been, this year is really the first one that the kids will remember doing Summery type things! I mean the last few months have been full of so many firsts for them, for me as a mother, and Richard too of course. Going camping for the first time, teaching them how to make their first-ever sand castles, visiting their first amusement park, using the heck out of the scooters we got them all for Christmas last year, our first time in a camper trailer, first homemade ice cream, and so much more.
I already miss the older three and as I said it's only the first week, but they're so excited about seeing their friends again and meeting their new teachers, and now it's time to open my email up again and to dust off my keyboard haha, and I'm just feeling really stoked for Richard and me to get back into a more steady and organized rhythm with home and with our work.
And this is where YOU come in!!
I shared on my Instagram recently that I put together my first ever reader survey for you guys, and if you can take a quick minute or two to fill it out (if you haven't already), that would help me help you so much moving forward! I've been working on tons of new and awesome projects and content for you guys, and your answers to the few simple questions will help me put them out in the best order and to also help me narrow down my overflowing list of ideas:)
Thank you in advance for those of you who take the time to fill it out, and for the thousands of you that have already, I've LOVED reading your thoughts! I really have the greatest community here on my corner of the internet. Truly.
Talk soon!
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