{UPDATE! Sorry about the rafflecopter issues again guys! I've extended the time for this one to compensate for the time lost to enter. Thanks for letting me know about the problems! xoxo}

The graphic lists the general perks, but one thing to keep in mind is that if you just renewed your own membership than the gift will be exchanged for an amazon gift card since they don't put memberships on top of memberships I guess. The rest of the info is here on amazon.com. And that's about it!
Giveaway Details:
- The Giveaway entries are all linked simply in the Rafflecopter widget
- To ensure that the winner is a loyal follower of The Freckled Fox (they're for you guys after all!), you must be a follower on at least one blog reader (of your choice! Bloglovin, feedly, GFC, etc) in order to be eligible. And if you're not on one yet, I highly recommend Bloglovin! haha Thanks loves!
- Up to 3 days after each giveaway concludes, the winner will be chosen, verified, and announced!
Additional Notes:
- All items included in the '14 Days of Giveaways' for my birthday are purchased by money generated by The Freckled Fox blog through its lovely supporters and sponsors. They are not sponsored.
- As with all other items given away on The Freckled Fox blog, all items included in this giveaway series are personally chosen by me and are items and brands that I love and support myself.
- If the prizes are not claimed within 10 days after being contacted, another winner will be chosen for the item.
- Don't forget that all winners will be posted on the blog post of the day no later than 3 days after each giveaway concludes, and also will be added to the bottom of that specific giveaway post.
- All giveaways in the '14 Days of Giveaways' are open worldwide! :)
And that wraps up another giveaway! We're almost to the end here, but nonw of them are finished yet so if you're just joining the party be sure and back-track so you don't miss out on anything fun that you'd like to participate in!
Take care,
Where's the entry widget?
ReplyDeleteThe widget isn't showing up for me either!!!
DeleteThere's no entry widget.
ReplyDeleteI follow you on all social media but I do not see a entry widget(: Thanks girlie.
ReplyDeleteThere's no widget.
ReplyDeleteSome problem with the widget!
ReplyDeleteDitto to the other comments :) I am so excited about this one!
ReplyDeleteI'm not seeing the widget either...
ReplyDeleteThere's no widget.
ReplyDeleteYah there's no widget or place to enter....I'll check back. I follow you on all your social media and have for about a year! I think you are so gorgeous and have the best hair! :)
ReplyDeleteThis is such a great idea for a giveaway! I follow you too, so I'll be waiting for the widget! =)
ReplyDeleteFab prize, can't see widget though.
ReplyDeleteas the rest said. . . no widget, but this sounds like a great giveaway!
ReplyDeleteNo widget for me either! :(
ReplyDeleteI would love to participate! I'm waiting for the widget too.
ReplyDeleteNo widget for me either!
ReplyDeleteI need to get in on this action! I have been longing for an Amazon Prime membership!!! For real!! But, I'm not seeing the widget either.
ReplyDeleteLove Amazon Prime, great giveaway idea!
ReplyDeleteI just moved into a new place last week. I'm so happy!
ReplyDeleteMy daughter makes me happy every day, that's pretty much the only thing. lol.
ReplyDeleteI'm happy lately because my 4 year old daughter loves interacting with her newborn (4 weeks today!) baby sister. It's so heartwarming to see her give hugs and say "it's ok, baby Eva." :) I melt!
ReplyDeleteI was having a bad day too, but my husband surprised me by coming home for lunch. Some days its the little things....;)
ReplyDeleteNot sure if my last one published - the sunshine today!
ReplyDeleteMy sister came home from school this past weekend and we won 2nd place in trivia at a local bar. So that was something good!
ReplyDeleteIm on vacation, so enjoy and rest. Great giveaway
ReplyDeleteI happy I was able to visit my brother and family...and finally meet the new baby!!!
ReplyDeleteWell, I moving my blog to a custom domain and I'm pretty excited about it! It will be so much easier having an address that matches my blog's names.
ReplyDeleteI got some new shoes...that makes me more happy then it should.
ReplyDeleteMy husband agreed to get new living room end tables. I married into these tables that are less than my favorite so this is big!
ReplyDeleteMy husband and I are getting ready to buy a new home! We're very excited :)
ReplyDeleteMild weather and sunshine make me happy today.
ReplyDeleteMy little girl took a step today and my husband I were both there to see it.
ReplyDeleteThe fact that all my kids are in bed and I have a few minutes to just relax. That makes me very happy!
ReplyDeleteI killed it at the gym today. Made me happy :)
ReplyDeleteI finally seen Gone Girl.
ReplyDeletei got to spend a few days with my sister. that hasnt happened in over a year!
ReplyDeleteThanks for all of these giveaways. I am so excited to participate!
ReplyDeleteMy 15 month old girl never smiles when we take photos! Her serious face always cracks me up!
ReplyDeleteI just watched an episode of Pysch on Netflix. Such a funny show, it always serves as a lighthearted end on those rough days.
ReplyDeleteComing home to my hubby and kiddos always makes me the happiest!
ReplyDeleteHow lovely.
ReplyDeleteI came across a baby bunny on my afternoon hike. Precious!
ReplyDeleteMy cat licked the laptop keyboard last night, so that's a new one.
ReplyDeleteHappiness: girls giggling with their Daddy.
ReplyDeleteAmazon Prime is a city dwellers dream. no more lugging heavy items like detergent and cases of water from the store. :)
ReplyDeleteMy son who wanted to help his daddy clean the snow from our driveway. He is only 18 months old. It was soooo funny!
ReplyDeleteMy kids' belly laughs!
ReplyDeleteI made seriously yummy soup with chestnuts lately - it's been a while since I've had time to cook and it was great!
ReplyDeleteThe five day visit of the pope to our country brought so much joy to us ( :
ReplyDeleteMy sweet baby's gummy smiles, and a quiet, early morning coffee date in the living room with my husband while she sleeps. :)
ReplyDeleteAn interview I was suppose to have tomorrow has been moved to next Monday which makes me happy, more time to prepare :)
ReplyDeleteI've finally saved enough money for a new computer! That makes me happy!
ReplyDeleteSomething that makes me happy -- we're rehearsing for our annual homeschool melodrama this spring, and last night at rehearsal was the first night I wore my eyepatch (for my character-but just wait until I have my nose putty/fake nose on too!), and I didn't bump into anything! (Yay!!)
ReplyDeleteAnother beautiful day, sun shining!
ReplyDeleteSomething that's made me happy has been the tea I recently got in the mail. I love my tea time!
ReplyDeleteI just bought a pair of cute boots for cheap , it definitely makes me happy :)
ReplyDeleteEnjoyed spending a family day with my husband and daughter yesterday...we've had a lot of things rain down on us the past week so it was nice to enjoy one another.
ReplyDeleteI found out I'm going to Asia for work next month - that makes me SUPER HAPPY!!! I've never been, and am dying to try all the new foods!
ReplyDeleteSeen my good friend for the first time in about seven months last week,we live many miles apart and it felt so nice to be reunited.
ReplyDeleteit's in the 60s today, which always makes things a little better!
ReplyDeleteA message saying "I really really want to see you!"
ReplyDeleteWhat has made me happy today...the rafflecopter do-hippy is here so I can enter this great giveaway! And the sun is shining and the days are getting longer!
ReplyDeleteI went furniture shopping this weekend with my husband; we went to 16 stores in a period of 30ish hours. It shows me how much he loves me to that...and to do online shopping in between! :) maybe winning a prime membership to amazon would keep us from having to go to so many stores! lol
ReplyDeleteWinning such a nice gift would certainly improve my 2015. I would also be able to spend more time with family and friends because I wouldn't have to run some many errands all the time. Thank you for the opportunity.
ReplyDeleteThe Seahawks win on Sunday!!! That made me super happy! Also, I started knitting a hat so that will be...interesting haha. And I just had a nice weekend with my husband! :)
ReplyDeleteSo excited about all of these giveaways!! :)
ReplyDelete3 day weekends make me super happy! Amazing giveaway. I buy a ton from Amazon and would love the free 2 day shipping.
ReplyDeletegetting to feel our baby kick always lights up my day!
ReplyDeletejessicarwarfield at gmail dot com
Lately McDonald's breakfasts (which usually would make me sick, but pregnancy is weird like that) have been my go to on the mornings I go into work. With a little coffee. :)
ReplyDeleteWe are officially half way through my husband's deployment. All down hill from here!
ReplyDeleteMy best friend is having her baby any day now and that makes me very happy!
ReplyDeleteSpending time with my husband. He worked out of stated for 3 months so having him back home is nice, even when we're doing boring things like cleaning the house.
ReplyDeleteOnce I had two little ones this membership (which expires in three months) was the best purchase ever for me as a mom trying tk figure out how to get out of the house with two under two!
ReplyDeleteWe've been having some warmer weather here in Nebraska and with all the sicknesses going around, fresh, warm air is just what everyone in my house needed!
ReplyDeleteI got to see my baby via ultrasound :)
ReplyDeleteI had dinner with a family member while I was traveling this weekend, which was the best!
ReplyDeletethe fact that the store I work in shares space with a little European style cafe... Being able to smell coffee all day even if you can't drink much of it is a boost!
ReplyDeleteI got to catch up with an old friend last night at a soccer game and it was so great to talk to her again :)
ReplyDeleteSomething that made me happy this week: I dance with a group of ladies through a dance studio and we had our first performance on Saturday. I was so nervous that I would mess up horribly or look really bad in my costume or makeup, but I did my hair and makeup (it looked fabulous if I do say so myself haha) and after near costume disaster that I was able to stitch up, I think I looked pretty good. All of the ladies and I Killed It! We did so well despite it being our first performance and all of us being nervous. Such a blast with a fun group of women :)
ReplyDeleteThis would really come in handy, as our first little one is set to arrive in March!
ReplyDeleteI've finally seen the Gone Girl.!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteWe just adopted a one-eyed shelter kitten. We named him Scalawag and gave him a pirate ID tag. He's pretty adorable. Also, my red jacket and '90's music have been making me smile. Thanks for hosting this giveaway! :) XO -Alexandra
ReplyDeleteSimply Alexandra: My Favorite Things
I've had a hard hard week of super bad morning sickness this week, but it makes me happy to know that my baby is healthy and growing. I know even with all the throwing up and misery it will be all worth it once I'm holding my first baby in my arms.
ReplyDeleteI stayed with my family in England for Christmas which was great, I hadn't seen them in 3 years.
ReplyDelete(Rosie Areola)
I had to go out of town for work last week, so just getting to sit on the couch with my hubby and pups this weekend and catch up on tv made me happy!
ReplyDeletemy son got 97% on his math test :)
ReplyDeleteMy 2-year-old and 8-month-old sons were sitting next to each other, fascinated, looking out the screen door (the weather is beautiful today) at some guys re-roofing a house. It was adorable. :-)
ReplyDeleteMy mom visited, and we took my toddler son to a play lounge. What a blast!
ReplyDeleteI've had a bummer couple days too, it just keeps getting worse. What made me happy... Chinese food for dinner instead of cooking! I'm easy :)
ReplyDeleteMy puppy has been so cute the past few days. We "watched" a movie all night Saturday with him fast asleep in my arm nook. It was the sweetest!
ReplyDeleteWe are building our first home and its so exciting!
ReplyDeleteI have tried some of your hairstyles and really like them!
ReplyDeleteMy goldendoodle Tom Sawyer learned how to catch a frisbee.
ReplyDeleteMy hubby hugged me extra long this morning before leaving for work and it made my day! :)
ReplyDeleteI managed to prise open a drawer that had been stuck fo ages.
ReplyDeleteWe all have those bum days, sorry you had one. Yesterday I fought against my funk attitude by putting some records on and dancing!
ReplyDeleteI got to spend some time with some girlfriends!
ReplyDeleteoh I just read a lot and it's not always easy to get all those english books I want here in Austria. :) It would make things a lot easier to have Amazon prime.
ReplyDeleteSomething that made me happy recently: huge hugs from my kiddos :)
ReplyDeleteOh, i forgot to answer your question while imagining what I could do with all those new books.. :D
ReplyDeleteToday my stepmum cooked my favourite dinner - Lasagne. That was so sweet of her and it made me so happy and I felt so loved.
I am happy because today it was a shopping trip :-)
ReplyDeleteGoing for a run earlier today outside made me happy.
ReplyDeleteMy daughter is a senior in high school and plays every sport but basketball is her favorite and we have about 3 weeks or so left of the season. She hurt her ankle last week during the first quarter of the game and hadn't been able to play but she is going to play tonight. I pray she is ready. Watching her play just makes my heart smile.
ReplyDeleteI was in dire need of a smile earlier today, too! Then my bf sent me a bunch of goofy pictures of himself while waiting for his smog check and I couldn't help but laugh. :) feel better!
ReplyDeleteEvery morning when I get my little one out of bed, she gives me the hugest smile and wraps her little arms around my neck. I can't help but smile when we start the day like that. :)
ReplyDeleteI successful completed my first week back to college and have A's in all my classes! And my niece is turning three in 4 days. So I'm super excited about that too! :)
ReplyDeleteI had some candy a little bit ago
ReplyDeleteThese giveaways have made me happy! It is so kind of you to reach out to your readers like this. It has been so fun to see what is new each day!
ReplyDeleteIt's so nice out today that I've got the windows open--makes me so, so happy--it feels like summer! :D
ReplyDeleteknowing I have an extra day off next week is making me happy!
ReplyDeleteMy mom is coming to stay with me tonight! Say hello to a night of Hallmark Movies!!!
ReplyDeleteMy roommate and I stayed up late talking last night, and it really made me happy! With classes and my work schedule, we haven't been able to spend much time together lately!
ReplyDeleteI went on a nice walk this morning. :)
ReplyDeleteToday's weather had been amaz-balls!! It is because it's been sooo long since the weather had been cool and sunny. Not freezing below zero's or chilly and gloomy all day. It was really nice. The sun is out and it felt so good being outside with my nieces and nephews. I had an awesome day and I hope they did too because I was heck of a busy auntie! Haha!
ReplyDeleteThe big white flakes of snow coming down today!
ReplyDeleteHow much my son loves his little sister, he wants to do everything for her, it is seriously the cutest thing ever!
ReplyDeleteThis is awesome! It makes me so happy!!!
ReplyDelete3 day weekend! Seriously, it's amazing how much more rested I feel with just one extra day.
ReplyDeleteI had a wonderful time watching the Patriots win the game with all of my family gathered together.
ReplyDeleteWe found out this weekend that our baby due in June is a BOY! :D So excited to meet our little man!
ReplyDeleteI am just enjoying relaxing, chilling with one of my daughters. Enjoying some peace and quiet that wont last for long!
ReplyDeleteToday, it was my little nephew, who ran up to me just as I walked in and yelled: Auntie is heeereee~
ReplyDeleteHe's too cute :)
Nothing beats the sunshine in winter.
ReplyDeleteHmmm I was finally able to get rid of one of my crutches (which I've been relying on since October)
ReplyDeleteThe weather is crazy beautiful this week! So much so I got to hang out in the hammock for a bit!
ReplyDeleteMy little 8 yr old boy made me a card that said " You are the best mom ever". He doesn't do that stuff very often so it made me so happy!
ReplyDeleteMy students were really on their best behavior today. I teach junior high and was tired from staying up with my newborn so this was a nice breathe of fresh air.
ReplyDeleteI joined a lovely support group last week! That's made me happy.
ReplyDeleteIt's sunny here today, and a break from the clouds and rain is enough to make me smile :)
ReplyDeleteThis week, my happy time was a day off! I didn't have to cut my workout short to be anywhere and I was even able to take care of some dishes that had been piling up from the weekend. Whew!
ReplyDeletemy little guy wrapping his arms tight around my neck at naptime. heart melting!!
ReplyDeleteHad a lot of fun making cookies with my girlfriends this last Sunday :)
ReplyDeleteThe sunshine has been wonderful these last couple of days :)
ReplyDeleteThe smiles on my girls' faces make me happy! Hearing them say "I love you" makes every cruddy day that much better! (And my bonus at work certainly helps)
ReplyDeleteI got an extra day off today and reorganized. I also was able to start and finish a book for fun, which I haven't done in a while!
ReplyDeleteComing home and seeing my little kiddos and hubby made me happy :)
ReplyDeleteAn easy commute to work in the sunshine, even if it was freezing and took ages to defrost my car!
ReplyDeleteI'm 21 weeks pregnant and I'm finally starting to really show!!! I'm so excited! After two miscarriages at 13 weeks last year, I feel so blessed to have made it to this point! It's crazy to finally be feeling something kick around inside MY body! Praise the Lord, for He is good, His mercy endures forever!
ReplyDeleteMy 3 month old granddaughter laughed out loud at her grandpa today.
ReplyDeletei had lunch today with a friend i havent seen in a while. its lovely to catch up!
ReplyDeleteIntroducing my baby boy to all my amazing co-workers today! :)
ReplyDeleteI had a call from a friend today and we're planning to get together soon....seeing friends always cheers me up when I'm having a bad day!
ReplyDeleteMy boyfriend made me breakfast in bed this weekend, just because:)
ReplyDeleteI had absolutely no traffic both going to and coming from work today!
ReplyDeletetoday's warm and sunny weather made me happy
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry to hear you had a bum day, I did too! well i got to see my baby niece over the weekend, hadnt seen her in weeks!
ReplyDeletethe beach. always. :)
ReplyDeleteI love driving during sunrise and sunset.
ReplyDeleteWould love this!
ReplyDeleteMy brother and his wife had a baby last week so we got to see him. He sent us another pic of him(the baby) and that will keep me smiling for a while!!! I hope tomorrow will be a better day for you!!:)
ReplyDeleteMy kindergarten and 1st grade classes had good lessons with me today (for the first time in a long time)!
ReplyDeleteMy daughter has become obsessed with kissing my belly and giving things, including her beloved blanky, to "baby in mommy's belly button"
ReplyDeleteWent on a road trip with my husband and our two Yorkies. We had a blast. Our Yorkies love road trips! That always makes me happy!
ReplyDeleteSorry you had a bum day! Today, my baby started to "talk" and coo more! His smiles and snuggles warm my heart!
ReplyDeleteIt was 75 degree at my house today!
ReplyDeleteWon my first contest of 2015 today! Here's hoping to a good contesting year :D
ReplyDeleteI had a wonderful day with my LO. we got to go to story time and then got lunch at her favorite place. these times with her are the highlight of my forever
ReplyDeleteThere's no widget.
ReplyDeleteThere's no widget.
ReplyDeleteThe happiest thing that happened to me this week was receiving a surprise early-birthday gift in the mail from one of my dearest friends! (:
ReplyDeleteFinding out that my daughter born with a CHD will be granted a wish, that made for a happy day and week.
ReplyDeletemy carpool to work surprised me with coffee this morning and a bagel!
ReplyDeleteMy 2 year old (just turned 2) potty-trained her self about 6 months ago, aside from bedtime/naptime. Well as of this week, we have had 0 dirty diapers at bedtime! Granted I'm waking up with her 3 times a night, but NO MORE DIAPERS!!! :)
ReplyDeleteSpending time with my niece
ReplyDeleteIt's hard for me to drink water (instead of sodas) and a made goal for the first time! Hopefully this will continue. shaunie
ReplyDeleteMy sister gave me some adorable vintage fabric (with cats on it no less!) this morning. I'm beyond excited about it!!! :)
ReplyDeleteA girl named Persephone made my cup of tea at Starbucks and I felt like I was in a Percy Jackson movie :)
ReplyDeleteReceiving emails from my brother serving an LDS mission always are a great start to my week!
ReplyDeleteI got underwear in the mail the other day and it made me really happy
ReplyDeletewould love this!
ReplyDeleteI was driving my daughter to gymnastics earlier this week and traffic was making me a bit mental. I was mumbling to myself about the annoying other drivers out there and my daughter asked who I was talking to. I told her that I was just talking to myself. She very seriously said "Mom, talking to yourself is NOT normal. Talking to other people; THAT'S normal!" I started cracking up! The wisdom of a four year old... <3
ReplyDeleteHmm... something happy. Oh! The spicy chai latte (it's a powder you mix with hot water) from Trader Joe's. My new fave perfect little pick-me-up! :)
ReplyDelete<3 Kelsea | Kels Shark
I am happy to see the days get a little longer! It was a little sad with it getting dark shortly after 5!
ReplyDeleteThe happiest thing that's happened today is watching my purple parakeets Lilly & Max "talking" to each real soft and lovey-dovey. They're bonded and feed each other too. Adorable!
ReplyDeleteMy baby girl saying "mama" all the time.
ReplyDeleteI love Amazon, such a convenience!
ReplyDeleteI love coming to work in the morning so I can read your blog! Hope you are feeling better!
ReplyDeletewatching instagram vids of my kiddo
ReplyDeleteI got surprise flowers at work today, definitely put a smile on my face!
ReplyDeleteJust being with my fiance makes me happy everyday.
ReplyDeleteThe weather was goooorgeous after a really cold streak, and it was amazing to get outside with my baby and get some sunshine and fresh air!
ReplyDeletewho doesn't love amazon!
ReplyDeleteJust the little one's smiles just make my day a happier one!
ReplyDeleteWe booked a vacation to Norway to visit some good friends so that made me super happy!!
ReplyDeleteSeeing full rainbows through the rain
ReplyDeleteLooking at my husband across the dinner table made me smile today. It is usually CRAZY at dinner (mostly because of my two year old) and I loved that moment. Thanks so much for the wonderful giveaways! I just found your blog a few weeks ago and I have really enjoyed it.
ReplyDeleteCongrats on having another little girl on the way! We're expecting a baby any day now (eek!) and that has been making me smile a lot. We already have one little girl; I can't wait to add to our family! I also can't believe how fast this pregnancy has gone by. I hope you're feeling great and morning sickness has subsided. With other kids in the house, that is not easy to manage.
ReplyDeleteMy whole family is home all week and we get to spend quality time together.
ReplyDeleteMy daughters made me very happy today!
Getting burritos with my cousin!
ReplyDeleteI spent the day with my best friend and her kids. That always makes me happy!
ReplyDeletegood hair days!
ReplyDeleteWatching my son learn to read has made me happy recently.
ReplyDeleteMy little family makes me smile. Family is the best!
ReplyDeletemy newborn baby makes me so happy!!!
ReplyDeleteHappiness for me is...a cool crsip winters day cooking food with family and friends!
ReplyDeleteI got shortlisted for a new job!!
ReplyDeleteMy neighbor stopped by with cookies for me yesterday (I have a broken leg), so that definitely made me happy!
ReplyDeleteRight now, the most important thing that is making me happy is that my mom's cancer didn't spread and her surgery went well!!! She's on the road to recovery.