Friday, January 16

Giveaway 10/14 | $75 Modcloth Gift Card

Happy weekend you guys! I haven't really talked about it here on the blog, but I'll be going to a big fun blogging conference next week that I've attended the last couple of years, and I'm super excited! It's called Altitude Design Summit and will include lots of networking with awesome bloggers and some favorite brands, tons of classes during the day and parties in the evenings. I've made so many friends going to Alt and so many connections, and it's really propelled myself and my blog forward in so many wonderful ways! 

My reason for sharing that today is because my first ever purchase from Modcloth was a couple of years ago for my first Alt Summit conference, and I was hooked after that! Nowadays I always keep on the lookout for whenever they have sales, and I'm really looking forward to giving away a little shopping visit to one of you awesome people. 

Giveaway Details:
- The Giveaway entries are all linked simply in the Rafflecopter widget
To ensure that the winner is a loyal follower of The Freckled Fox (they're for you guys after all!), you must be a follower on at least one blog reader (of your choice! Bloglovin, feedly, GFC, etc) in order to be eligible. And if you're not on one yet, I highly recommend Bloglovin! haha Thanks loves!
- Up to 3 days after each giveaway concludes, the winner will be chosen, verified, and announced! 
Good, luck and Thank You Thank You so much for all your support and love!!
Additional Notes:
- All items included in the '14 Days of Giveaways' for my birthday are purchased by money generated by The Freckled Fox blog through its lovely supporters and sponsors. They are not sponsored.
- As with all other items given away on The Freckled Fox blog, all items included in this giveaway series are personally chosen by me and are items and brands that I love and support myself.
- If the prizes are not claimed within 10 days after being contacted, another winner will be chosen for the item.
- Don't forget that all winners will be posted on the blog post of the day no later than 3 days after each giveaway concludes, and also will be added to the bottom of that specific giveaway post. 
- All giveaways in the '14 Days of Giveaways' are open worldwide! :)

I hadn't shared my going until now because I wasn't sure I'd be able to go with how sick I've been, and with Martin being so behind on his work because of his helping me extra with the kids and all, etc.  It looks like it'll definitely work out now though for me to head to SLC for the conference, and I'm so thankful to my selfless husband for helping me go! I'll share more about my alt experience after I return home of course, but if you'd like to follow along with my trip in real time make sure and follow me on Instagram!

I hope you love this giveaway and are having fun with all these contests, and as always have a great rest of your weekend!

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  1. I'm looking forward to playing with our new goats! And I'm SO excited about this giveaway!

  2. Love modcloth! :) I am looking forward to longer days. I hate when it gets dark so early. So ready for Spring! Also can't wait to wear bright Spring clothes again.

  3. I've been wearing Flash Tattoos since I heard about the at the end of the summer. So I'm really excited about the spring and being able to really show off my flash tats since it's harder to show off now when it's so cold and im always layering.

  4. wearing heels and sandals not boots all the time

  5. I cannot wait for the warm weather! I am not a fan of the cold at all.

  6. I would love for some new additions!

  7. I would love some new additions to my wardrobe!

  8. I do love the cold weather and the snow but my little chihuahua hates it so she pretends to be asleep in her bed when she sees me get my coat on and grab her lead! So I am looking forward to walking her along our local beach and in the park when I know she will be leaping around happily in the sunshine chasing butterflies!

  9. I'm looking forward to warm weather and running outside!

  10. cannot wait to explore what my new job is all about... have a new one since 1st of january...been waiting for this for ages...
    and together with this...can't wait to spend my first salary on shopping ;)

  11. I love 'window' shopping ModCloth! I've yet to actually make a purchase, but this would certainly help that. :)

  12. Spring and summer are such a nice transistion in color after the deep colors of winter. I love everything blooming and looking bright and warm.

  13. I can't wait for sandals and shorts and going to the park and picking flowers. I'm kinda sick of cold weather now.

  14. I've never bought anything on Modcloth but the clothes are super cute. I'd love to try it!

  15. Im looking forward to wearing lighter clothes and shoes and not having to wear a big bulk coat lol.

  16. I look forward to lots of sunshine and warm air. I grew up in Vegas, now live in northern Utah. So I crave the days I can lay outside and soak in the warm sun.

  17. Looking forward to wearing pastel colors for spring(:

  18. I'm soooooo looking forward to spring because I'm going to be planting a vedgie and herb garden this year!! It's my first one and I can't wait to get started!

  19. I'm looking forwardto light spring jackets instead of heavy coats!

  20. Looking forward to getting some home improvement projects done! Love this giveaway! Xoxo

  21. I'm looking forward to playing some tennis outside with hubby this spring- it's our new hobby for this year to encourage us to get out and exercise.

  22. Looking forward to wearing spring dresses with lovely patterns!

  23. I'm looking forward to being able to play outside with my babies and only needing a light jacket or sweatshirt to go places. I'm tired of winter gear! It's always so heavy and staticky! And springtime is pretty much the only time I like Utah because everything turns green and flowery. I can't wait!!!!!

  24. I'm looking forward to the warm weather and blooming nature.

  25. I'm looking forward to baseball season! Crazy, I know, but after spending so many hours at the ballpark with my sons, it has become one of my fave sports (little league, high school/travel, college, MLB - I love it all!)
    ~ Kim Pincombe Cole

  26. I'm looking forward to warmer weather and to being able to wear skirts again!

  27. I'm looking forward to warmer days.

  28. I'm looking forward to not wearing coats, jackets and socks! I love the summer, the winter, not so much! Thank you!

  29. I am super excited for Spring as my birthday is coming up! I am going to be 21 and I don't think I've been this excited for a birthday in a long time :)

    Jess xx

  30. I am going to Europe in April for Spring Break, and I'm so excited!!!!

  31. I'm looking forward to the flowers blooming. There is a wildflower farm not too far from my house, and it's one of me favourite places to go in the spring time :)

  32. I love spring because everything is so fresh!

  33. I love spring because everything is so fresh!

  34. I'm looking forward to traveling & hiking in the nice spring weather :)

  35. I'm looking forward to sending my kids outside to play.

  36. We moved to our new house last year but we didn't have time for flowers or a garden. I'm so excited to get planting!

  37. I'm looking forward to the dresses & time outside without turning into a popsicle!

  38. I'm SO looking forward to bright green grace and flowers blooming again!

  39. I'm looking forward to sunnier days!

  40. warmer weather. Its freeeeezing in Utah.

  41. Very much looking forward to the beautiful colors!

  42. I am looking forward above zero weather!!

  43. I'm in Southern California so I've got great weather, but I am pregnant and still having terrible morning sickness. I am looking forward to the spring and hopefully an end to the all day feeling gross!

  44. I love ModCLoth also but have yet to purchase anything… waiting for that perfect item! I can't wait for spring either… Just puts me in a better mood! I always feel so blue during winter :( Love spring clothes and brighter colors and all that jazz :)

  45. My husband, our daughter Charlotte and I just moved into our first house after a year and a half of apartment living - needless to say I am SO excited about being able to actually take her outside easily whenever I want this spring and summer! We were stuck on the bottom floor in our apartment complex and didn't get much sunlight. There really wasn't a yard area or play area for us to go to so most days we were stuck inside. I'm SO thankful to now have a yard and live next to a bike trail to get some exercise! (Sorry all my comments are so long but I too am a blogger. Haha I can't ever just write one sentence...)

  46. I am excited to go to the dog beach once it is warm again!

  47. I'm looking forward to being able to hike outside again without all the planning you need in the winter. It would be so wonderful to just get in the car and go again.

  48. I am so looking forward to actually being able to go on walks without carrying a whole box of tissues from a runny nose due to the cold!!

  49. I am looking forward to blossoms on the cherry trees, apple trees and of course all the beautiful Spring flowers. Makes me want to wear all my flower prints!

  50. I'm excited for me not having to wear my thick winter jacket everyday! ;)

  51. I'm looking forward to Valentine's Day, it'll be my nine year anniversary!!

  52. Hi Emily! I'm looking forward to longer, warmer days! Sunshine makes me happy.

  53. Lots of exciting changes coming for our family this spring!

  54. I'm looking forward to spending more time with my BFF this spring!

  55. I love forward to exercising outside again

  56. I'm just ready for the spring weather and that cozy feeling it gives me<3

  57. Living in Alaska, I'm looking forward to more day light! Love that sun :)

  58. I'm looking forward to warm weather and being tan! I can't wait to go back to the beach again this summer.

  59. I'm looking forward to keep in fit with Kayla Itsines' body guide :)

  60. I'm looking forward to wear light spring jackets!!!!!!!!!!!!

  61. I'm looking forward to wearing dresses to work again instead of pants all the time! And sandals!

  62. I'm ready for cocktails on the patio!

  63. in my country it's summer so I'm happy using Dresses

  64. I LOVE modcloth!! Haha, well it's summer here so our next season will be autumn :) Love the autumn here with the heavier mists and dappled leaves - and even the low descent into cold temperatures :) I'm looking forward to driving over the hill and seeing all the trees from the Botanical Gardens all ablaze in their autumnal glory :)

  65. Spring comes early in Texas. I can't wait to be able to go to the pool again!

  66. I'm looking forward to Spring flowers-- daffodils, hyacinths, and tulips!

  67. I'm looking forward to wearing my spring jackets! got my eye on a modcloth jacket, so winning this would be great!

  68. Being able to put a hammock up, under the porch, so that I can read outside. :)

  69. I can't wait for my winter trip to my favourite country, Japan ;)

  70. Playing outside at the park with my kids!

  71. I can't wait to get outside and work on the landscaping. That's lame, I know... but it really spruces up the house and starts out the warm weather right!

  72. Looking forward to the birth of my 3rd baby in March! And being able to go on walks with all 3 in the stroller. =)

  73. I am looking forward to sunshine and being outside more!

  74. i'm looking forward to more sunlight in the spring!

  75. I'm really looking forward to visiting Berlin over the Easter break!

  76. I'm looking forward to wearing dresses and skirts without tights!

  77. I'm looking forward to the sun being out longer b

  78. I'm looking forward to boots and dresses! Spring is still pretty cold here in the pacific northwest. :)

  79. I can't wait for the sun! :) I live in Arctic Circle, so in winter time we don't have much sunlight. At the moment I would do almost anything to see the sun.

  80. This is the first time I've heard of Modcloth! Wow! I just searched "floral" on the website and man! I'm sold after seeing sooooo many BEAUTIFUL products on Modcloth!! I cannot wait for Spring and my birthday is in April so I'm a forever Spring gal! Haha! :)

  81. I'm looking forward to longer days and warmer days!!

  82. I'm looking forward to taking my toddler to the park again! And then of course the birth of our second little munchkin in June :)

  83. Warm sun and fresh air....the brightness and new energy

  84. I'm looking forward to seeing the sun more often here in Seattle. Thanks for the giveaway!

  85. definitely need some new clothes for spring!

  86. I'm ready for fresh spring breezes instead of the arctic blast that greets me every morning as I walk out to my car!

  87. I've had my eye on ModCloth clothes for awhile but have never made a purchase. So many cute things to choose from!

  88. Longer walks with my dogs! :)

  89. Running outside again! It gets so cold here and icy I can't wait to run in the warmer weather!

  90. I'm looking forward to moving and hopefully growing baby #3!

  91. I am excited for the warmer weather and to get outside more.

  92. I'm looking forward to studying outside!

  93. I'm looking forward to flowers blooming:) Love all the colours!

  94. we planted a bunch of bulbs, and I can't wait to see all the daffodils and tulips bloom. also, we are going to the west coast this spring, and i'm super excited for that. thanks!

  95. The sun being out longer. Especially in the evenings it gets dark too soon!

  96. I live in the Canadian prairies, so it's been fully winter since November here, and is likely to remain that way until mid April at least. (Seriously, I sometimes really wonder why I live here) But thankfully, it's been a pretty mild winter! (For once) But it gives me plenty of time to dream about. Like not having to scrape my car windows. Not having to weather proof all my boots every few weeks. Not having to reshovel my sidewalk every couple of weeks. Not having to wear three layers every time I go outside. Being able to wear sandals again! And dresses! Not having to plan my hairstyles so I can wear a toque and scarf without ruining my hair.

  97. I'm most excited about exploring some new playgrounds with my daughter this spring!

  98. I'm looking forward to taking walks in warmer weather!

  99. I can't wait for it to be light out when I leave work. I really miss being able to run when the sun is out!

  100. Hey Emily!
    I can't wait for all the beautiful and colorful spring flowers to bloom and fill our garden and side walks! I also wouldn't mind a little bit more sun tickling my nose!
    All the best!

  101. I was uld love some new summer shoes and skirts

  102. I'm looking forward to my birthday in the spring.

  103. I'm looking forward to warmer weather and spring flowers

  104. I am looking forward to reading some good books on my front porch in the sunshine!

  105. This Spring I cant wait to pursue my dreams as an author!

  106. I'm in Texas. It feel like spring today. I love it! It's been too long since we've taken our dogs on a long, sunny, luxurious walk.

  107. I'm looking forward to warm weather

  108. I'm looking forward to some sunshine, and the daylight sticking around for a bit longer. It's so depressing when it gets dark at 5pm!

  109. wearing cute dresses, even tights with them too, and not worrying about freezing my legs in my Canadian winter!

  110. mostly i'm excited for warmer weather to get out and run more AND doing more stuff with my babies outside. winter gets really long and cold in these winter months.


  111. Not directly season related, but I am looking forward to graduating!

  112. Definitely looking forward to the sunshine! I can do without happy skies :)

  113. It is not really a Spring thing but I am excited for it to get warm enough to go back to swimming laps outside!

    xx Kelly
    Sparkles and Shoes

  114. I'm looking forward to having only 11-13 credits spring quarter instead of the 17 I'm currently juggling :)

    dance a real

  115. Ive never bought anything from mod cloth but I have always wanted to! I love their dresses

  116. I am looking forward to having warmer weather where I can spend more time outdoors taking photos and going to outdoor markets and festivals.

  117. Can't wait to start on personal projects about vintage fashion <3

  118. Longer time after I get off work with the sun!! Hate coming home to the dark!

  119. Not having to de-ice the car before work!!

  120. I am right there with you when it comes to thinking about spring lately! I am most looking forward to the arrival of our second daughter and our first little girl's second birthday!

  121. Not having to drive in the snow!

  122. I'm looking forward to our trip to Southern California this Spring.

  123. I'm looking forward to going on a mission trip to Mexico!

  124. I look forward to being able to dress in adorable and cutesy spring outfits, such as floral lace dresses. (:

  125. I am looking forward to hiking with the family!

  126. I can't wait to wear flip flops again!

  127. Looking forward to longer days! They give us a chance to take our pup on nice long walks :)

  128. I'll be glad to play outside worth my kids again

  129. I look forward to my flowers blooming.

  130. I am looking forward to nice walks in the parks, and the beautiful flowers. Flowers are my Nana's favorite, therefore mine too! :) xo

  131. Looking forward to a possible trip to paris

  132. Ooooooh, I'm looking forward to some heat! :) But on the not so obvious side, I'm looking forward to wearing less clothes and being able to be outside longer.

  133. I'm in love with their products!

  134. I love love love it when all the trees bloom. Especially the dogwood trees!

  135. I'm excited about the warm weather clothing and the new life that comes with Spring :)

  136. I'm looking forward to playing volleyball and wearing flip flops :)

  137. I'm looking forward going to the beach and relaxing in my hammock.

  138. I entered the wrong username for blog loving.. Its Brandy Hebden, not Brandyh813. Sorry!

  139. Just being able to be outside more! Fresh air :)

  140. Growth-2014 was a year of learning, and I'm looking forward to new beginnings

  141. Everything is beautiful!! I want it all.

  142. Everything starting to bloom again and fresh cut grass!

  143. Looking forward to walks to the park, its so cold and winters here are so long that just a walk outside will make me happier :]

  144. I'm looking forward to warm spring rain! There is simply nothing better!

  145. Just not being cold all the time! It's been so cold here in Michigan!

  146. I'm looking forward to the Cadbury mini eggs that come into stores for the Easter season. I don't indulge in treats too often, but I always make an exception for those :-)

  147. Looking forward to summer nights at the drive-in!

  148. Graduate as a Multimedia Designer! :)

  149. Really looking forward to not needing to wear a blanket about the house like a cape!

  150. I'm excited to wear spring dresses! I stocked up on so many during the winter since they went on clearance and can't wait to wear them! thanks for the giveaway!

  151. Pulling out the clothes that have been stored away and rediscovering old favorites.

  152. The vibrant colors all around us and not having to bundle up in so many layers of clothes. Plus no socks!

  153. I can't wait to wear sandals and drive my convertible. Spring can't come fast enough! :)

  154. Warmer weather, pastels, flowers, spring smell!

  155. I'm so excited for the sun and warm weather

  156. Looking forward to seeing my tulips

  157. Looking forward to wearing light, pretty dresses and skirts. And pastels!

  158. I am looking forward to not freezing when I leave the house and spring flowers!

  159. I'm excited for warm weather & being able to wear dresses without freezing!

  160. I'm looking forward to planting flowers at my new house :)


  161. Ahh, I've been thinking about Spring all day too! I look forward to driving with the windows down and drinking cold coffees. Also, my brother's wedding. :D

  162. Looking forward to being able to play with my little boy outside!

  163. flowers and fresh air

  164. I'm looking forward to kidding season - I love new baby goats.

  165. I'm looking forward to clear roads and blue skies!

  166. Flowers. And the smell of rainy days.

  167. I just want to sit on my new porch swing in front of my new house with my husband

  168. Honestly? I'm looking forward to no more snow. I just hate it. Bring on the sunshine & warmth!!

  169. I'm looking forward to my friend from abroad visiting this March!

  170. I'm looking forward to putting away the heavy coats.

  171. I look forward to goign to disneyland with my daughter :)

  172. I always love wearing brighter colors when spring comes around

  173. I am looking forward to running outside with my dog in the sunshine!

  174. I'm looking forward to all the flowers.

  175. I am looking forward to the warmer weather and beautiful scenery!

  176. I'm looking forward to planting my garden and growing fresh veggies!

  177. I can't wait for it to get warm again for bikkinis!!!! so sick of cold wet weather...


  178. I love the rain, it brings a smile to my face.

  179. I'm looking forward to wearing more pastels and florals!

    Jamie |

  180. I'm looking forward to warm weather & blue sky.

  181. I'm looking forward to warm weather & blue sky.

  182. I'm looking forward to my kids playing outside without all the layers!

  183. Longer days! I know we are headed in the right direction, with sunrise happening earlier and sunset happening later, but life is so much easier when I don't leave for work in the dark and get home in the dark!

  184. I'm looking forward to summer vacation, I love hanging out with my kids!

  185. I'm most looking forward to morning tea in my new backyard!

  186. I look forward to wearing more subtle clothes instead of these big coats!
