Sunday, October 19

Weekend Wrap-up + a big announcement!

This Week: I've really been trying to take a step back this week and not over-plan my days so much, and I think it's been working in helping me not get easily worried or bothered when tasks go undone. We've also had a few sick kiddos here and there which definitely helps everything productive come to a complete halt haha, but we've had fun finalizing the sewing on a couple of our costumes for Halloween, and I'm excited to live it up for the last couple weeks of Halloween! 

To-do's and Goals for the Week:
- keep up my monday/wednesday/friday video goal
- rework my november blogging schedule
- roast the turkey
- get to the park every afternoon
- start a new book
- Get up earlier every morning
- make another gallon of yogurt
- recycle the magazine tub
- get the old car detailed
- juice every day
- be more consistent with my workouts
- drink more water
- stop eating all the pretzels:)

A Few Facts: 
  • firstly, I realized that I've only ever used about 1/6 of my nailpolish collection (sad I know),
  • and secondly, I am bomb at washing laundry but horrible at folding it :/

For all you Utah folks (and anyone else willing to drive a ways for awesome things like myself) Yours Truly be teaching two different classes on hairstyling for the upcoming Pinners Conference just next month! It's completely free if you just want to go to the huge expo, but you can register for different packages of classes as well depending on your interest, but it's super inexpensive! Also as a big bonus, if you use the promocode: thefreckledfox when registering you get $5 off your tickets! 
It'll go on the weekend of the 7th 8th, and it'll all go down in Sandy, UT! Also kiddos 12 and under are free, so there shouldn't be any reason why you can't bring your girls and come hang out! haha Click Here for more info about the conference, and I can't wait to meet you! 

Something To Take Away:
- Hard things only make us stronger. Remember that 'no smooth sea ever made a skilled sailor' :)

Than you for coming back day after day if you're a follower, and if you're new I hope to see you again very soon! I hope you have a great rest of your week, and take care my friend!
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  1. I am the WORST at folding laundry. I'm trying to get better at putting it away right away, especially since my husband is often asking what is clean. ;-)

  2. I am someone who over plans each day as well. It's nice to kind of take a step back sometimes! And that is super exciting about the hair classes. I hope they go well :)

  3. Love these goals! I trying to keep up with my 2 videos a week schedule but also have sick kids! Wish Michigan was closer to Utah :)

    Chelsea| East Willow Grove

  4. Oh my goodness, if only I was in Utah! I would love to attend your class!

    xx Kelly
    Sparkles and Shoes

  5. I'm a long time follower and I absolutely adore this space. You're so spunky and positive. I rarely comment, and I feel guilty about that. You have so many fans and readers, but I know it's always nice when they actually come out of the woodwork to say hello. So hi, and thank you for sharing your life and thoughts with us here! It's fabulous!

  6. I love these weekend wrap up posts, such a great idea! I have so much to do and so many goals I want to achieve, getting up earlier and meditating for 30 minutes is number one for me. xx


  7. I'm also a great washer and terrible folder...I would rather do just about anything else:) Good luck with your classes!

  8. Wish I was closer so I could go! Have some take lots of pictures for you! So fun :) So when you say roast the turkey, does that mean that said turkey is running around at your house currently? hehe...

  9. Great goals- I vowed to drinkore water and work out regularly a few weeks ago- it started so strong and has taken a serious dive the past few days. Need to step up my game;) hope your littles feel better, that's no fun to have sick wee ones- except they snuggle, I always love that part.

  10. I knew about the conference because lo and behold I'm working there and I went on the webpage and I was like OMG I KNOW THAT FACE. I'll probably be waaaaay too busy to drop in on a class but I am probably going to be the person to take a creepy photo of you and instagram it later because I have social issues. Enjoy the most beautiful city in the world! :D
