Wednesday, May 8

Little Letters Link-up

Man another wednesday, and here we are with another link-up brought back by popular request! Thank you ladies that link up and share yourselves in this fun little way, Its been so fun getting to know you better through this link-up, and I hope you can join up again! As usual, don't forget that you can write your letters any day of the week and then just come back and link up here so we can come find you! Also please remember to include the button in your post, or at the very least a link back to this one! For now, here are a couple letters from me:
Dear little baby inside, I Finally FELT YOU MOVE! You thought you were so sneaky, but I felt you, twice! Its really starting become more real, you're really turning our family into one of 6! man...
Dear emails, I nearly dominated you this week! Aaaaand then another flood come rushing in because I replied or initiated.haha Dang! I guess I'll never be 'caught up', but it still feels good to make progress:)
Dear amazingly delicious Chocolate Chip Peanut Butter Cookies, ...nope, I got nothin.
Dear high heel addiction, I really wish we understood each other a little better, I mean YOU know why I love heels so much, and I kinda understand I suppose, but I don't know why I seem to need so many pairs... at least I only succumb to the less expensive pairs right? hmm...
Dear baby John, I can't believe my most favorite little boy is turning one this month! Its bitter-sweet. You make me smile and laugh everyday with your sweetness and joy. Love you lil' darlin'
Now its your turn lil' darlings!:)
1. grab the code below and write your letters any day this week!
2. please, please include the button or my link to your letters post/sidebar
3. read others letters and make new friends! I'm excited to read yours!
Thanks for visiting today! Have a great day.
xo, Emily
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  1. I think I'm going to try this one Hanna

  2. This was my first time doing a letters post and I enjoyed it! Thanks for the linkup. =)

  3. Hi Emily,

    Like I have said before, it is such a unique feature and linkup! Love your list - congrats again on the great news!

  4. My little one is turning one beginning of June. I started planning and everything. It's so exciting, and a little sad at the same time. You know, cause my first born is already one, ONE!!! Where did my baby go? Guess it's time to start planning for #2! xD

    Congrats on your pregnancy if I haven't said so already, you sure don't waste any time! I always wondered how your kids were so close in age. Even if I wanted to I'm not sure I could have kids so close, I've been breastfeeding for so long that my periods took a while to kick back in gear.

    Love, Moon
    blog | twitter

  5. Hi.
    i love to see your post as am visiting for the first time..its really superb to see about letters..i really enjoyed on it..thanks for sharing...

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