Tuesday, April 16

Sponsor Call for May:) + discount code

Morning guys! Its that time again where I update you on the status of my sponsors and sponsor spots, any changes that have taken place in my advertising options, as well as to tell you a little about what to expect in the coming month! This blog is all about inspiring and encouraging others to better their lives through my efforts in fashion, cooking, styling, creating, and striving towards a more beautiful life. If you feel like any of those categories or ideas apply to you, I'd love to have you team up!
April has been the biggest month so far in Freckled Fox history where its sold out every single sponsor spot available in just a few days, its readership and views have already reached the cap for months past at the month halfway mark, there are more and more emails and inquiries each day with offers and partnerships for fantastic giveaways and features, and there are so so many fabulous shops, business, and bloggers who are excited about collaborating with Freckled Fox, and I couldn't be happier to showcase them to you and bring as much excitement and goodness here as possible! 

With the traffic doubling, and the spots selling out at such a rapid rate, I need to raise the prices of my spots in order to reflect future growth, and those changes will be taking place at the end of this week! If you've been thinking about sponsoring for a little while and taking part in the traffic, then its never been a better time! Use Promo code: coolcrowd for an easy 15% off any ad spot you purchase!  
The XL feature is booked through the rest of April, May,  June, and July! I've raised the price already on that, but it may have to go up again in a couple months. There is always a waiting list because this spot comes with full and constant exposure at the top all month long, as well as free feature post, giveaway opportunities, promos and other such perks. 
The Large spots are full, but there's only one in the que now, and there are always spots rotating out once or twice a week, so hurry and get in line! :)
The Medium and Small are booked up aswell, but there are none left in the ques as of this morning and spots will be opening up in the next couple days. 

Well what do you think?! Feel free to visit my Sponsor Page for stats, sizing, pricing and to find the right fit for you! Email me if you are interested in the discounts for Multiple months, because I'd love to give you a discount to keep you longer! In addition I would love to help you out with a button if you need, and also I'm no longer doing a monthly group giveaway, but after a couple months I notify each of the large sponsors and invite them to participate if they so choose:)

I would love to meet you, I would love to support you in supporting me and the Freckled Fox, and I would love to bring some great readers to your blog or shop! cuz you know... I have the best:) I'm so looking forward to getting to know you better and helping to boost your blog or brand:) 
Can't wait to work with you!
xoxo, Emmy

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  1. Congratulations on all of your growth! I am so glad to be following you and your lovely blog. xx. McKenna Lou

  2. sponsoring your lovely blog was such a good decision! so much traffic has come my way...thanks emmy :).

  3. I have the best:) I'm so looking forward to getting Singer22 Code 2013 to know you better and helping to boost your blog or brand:)
