Friday, February 8

Sweetheart Hair Week: Tutorial #5 - Petite Victory Rolls

Hey everyone! Thanks for coming by today, I mean it:) Tutorial #5 is simply another favorite variation of the ever famous Victory Rolls. I've always felt that they look glamourous, even with all the different ways to wear and style them.. which is ironic considering they were first adapted in order to keep the hair out of the eyes of the WWII working women. Today I'm gonna show you how to achieve this look:
I've always admired vintage and retro styles and their mix of complexity and ease, but the first time I tried them I was a bit intimidated at how to go about styling my own hair that way. I've loved showing you how to use modern tools and a few easy techniques to achieve various other 30's and 50's looks, and today is one of the simplest of them all.
Will definitely be repeating this a lot in the future, and I hope you will too! Just remember that this style will hold much better with day+ old hair, or hair that has previous product in it rather then slippery newly washed hair
Supplies needed:
- fine toothed comb
- 1" curling iron
- bobby pins
- hairspray
- smoothing serum
Step #1: Begin by creating a center part and combing hair away from it in both directions. create a line from the back of your part to your each ear and pin both front sections up for later use.
Step #2: curl the top two inches of your hair in about four sections. once curled, run up the center of the curl with a finger and secure to your head with pin-curl clips (or bobby pins). 
Step #3: let down a front section and comb it straight up and outwards till front is smooth. Curl entire section (starting from the ends) in one curl, ion the direction you want your upwards roll to come out. Spray your hair whilst its around the iron, smoothing you flyways  Gently clamp and un-clamp your iron, releasing the hair from your iron and sliding it out. Bobby-pin your roll from the inside out so no pins will show, and hairspray well. 
Step #4: Repeat step#3 with the other side, making sure that they match as well as they can. Curl the rest of your hair with your small iron, creating defines curls in the back. release your top layer from the pin-curl clips (your top layer will have a stronger curl), and scrunch your locks a bit. Give another good spray, and you're done! Hey gorgeous:)
Remember to not let yourself get discouraged if you have to drop your rolls and re-curl, or if they're not completely symmetrical the first time. Also when in doubt the smoothing serum is your best friend, because it will make the difference between this look looking polished, or with a million baby hairs poking out every direction(not like that's happened to me..).
Thanks again for stoppin by, and if you give this a try let me know. I love feedback! 
Take care
xo, Em

P.S. if you don't follow me on instagram, I'd love to have you! I'm a little obsessed, and I have something exciting coming up pretty soon:)

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  1. Love it! I love victory rolls and could never get my hair to do it right. I'll have to give it a try this way and see if it does any better. It looks lovely on you!

    xo Amber P.

  2. This is gorgeous! Victory rolls are so hard to do, you always do such great tutorials, thanks! :)

  3. Lovely hair look Emily :)

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  4. It looks so gorgeous and unique!

  5. I pinned all my favourite hair style. <3
    Thank you so much for the Hair Tutorial. <3

  6. amazing series! i can't wait to try


  7. Freckled Fox my dear, you are gorgeous and your tutorials are superb!

  8. This is by far my favorite hair tutorial of yours! Makes me want to go out and buy and entire retro wardrobe just go to with it!

  9. I feel a bit weird posting a comment here, being a guy and all, but... Well, this tutorial really helped me as a CG artist. Everything in this tutorial translated over, literally, to my CG hair. I had been looking for a tutorial on how to do a retro victory curl hair style, but, before finding this tutorial, could only find pics of the hairstyle. Unfortunately, the pics could only show the finished product and not how to do it. After going through this tutorial in my 3D app, I was able to get the look I was after. Thank you!

    You can see the image I created here:
