:: found ourselves singing along with Adele or Coldplay at one time or another every night as we clean up meals.
:: been slowly – but surely eating our way through the massive amounts of cherries that we’ve been getting from all sides. they never last long enough to make anything with you though you see.
:: loved creamy thick homemade yogurt with just about every yummy topping you can imagine.
:: enjoyed the experience of cooking with new instruments and new techniques.
:: brought nearly every meal outside to enjoy. (It all tastes better out there!)
:: used our dishwasher for the first time! although i must say I’ll still look for excuses to be up to my elbows in hot suds.
:: continued to try to clean out all the meat in the freezer to make room for a fresh elk meat that will most assuredly be here in the fall.
:: added strawberries to our salads (with feta cheese, balsamic, sliced almonds, and blueberries if we’re really lucky. Yum).
:: taken it upon ourselves to add lavender in some shape or form to just about every dish. you should try my lavender pork chops. divine:)
:: experimented with bread-making, trying out braiding, rolls, bagels, doughnuts and more!
:: compleated our collection (with the arrival from the old house of the rest) of black soup mugs that hang under martins built-in. I swear soup tastes better when you can cup your hand around the bowl.
:: added a little teapot (short and stout), to the t0p of the spice rack. i just can’t get enough of teapots:)
:: had the privilege of introducing little Ellie to so many new foods this week. she is a terrific eater! her favorite? green bell peppers. mmm
:: spent many hours planning at the tabel drawing up lists for planting next year. thinking up as many ways as we can to fill any spare corner and crevice of our yard with fruits and veggies.
It’s been a busy place, this kitchen of ours.
What’s going on in YOUR kitchen this week?

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