I found this story and list whilst perusing around on a mommy/baby site…made me laugh. reminded me of a quote i heard somewhere; “Out of the mouths of babes…come the words that adults should not have said in the first place.” Kids say the darndest things sometimes:) i can’t wait to hear what Ellie will come up with once she learns to talk. i know you will enjoy!
- Where there’s smoke there’s BBQ.
- When the blind lead the blind they’ll bump into each other.
- No news is no newspaper.
- A penny saved is a penny in the bank.
- You can lead a horse to water but not a cow.
- If you lie down with the dogs you’ll get fleas.
- If you lie down with the dogs you’ll stink in the morning.
- If at first you don’t succeed, get a new job.
- As you make your bed so shall you mess it up.
- Don’t bite the hand that has claws.
- Don’t bite the hand that looks dirty.
- A miss is as good as a kiss.
- A miss is as good as a Mr.
- Happy the bride who is pregnant.
- Happy the bride who gets lots of presents.
- The pen is mightier than the pencil.
- Never underestimate the power of my mom.
- Never underestimate the power of Mrs. Cooley.
- An idle mind is relaxing.
- Better to be safe than dead.

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