Monday, May 16

my little foxes and I

If you saw our little Mother's Day photoshoot from last week, then this video is a fun pairing to those:) I've never had anyone videotape me before, let alone having tickle fights with my kids, and I'm absolutely in love with how this video from Moonstruck Pictures turned out:)

When people ask me how I'm doing or how I'm staying so positive, it always comes back to my children.
From the beginning there was Evie's little bouncing presence in my belly when we heard the word 'cancer' for the first time, feeling her wiggles as I sat alone in Mexico waiting for test results, her birth- right after we got home that pulled us out of the nightmare and into happiness once again. And that's just the youngest.

Every single day there are so many things to do as a mom that distract me from my thoughts and keep me moving constantly, so much so that I don't really have time to sink very low even if I wanted to. Every single day there are a thousand tight hugs and slobbery kisses, there's hair braiding and book reading, cartoon snuggles, cheerio sweeping, bed making, and so many many tickle fights(obviously). We also have our fair share of tantrums and hair pulling, crayon stealing, drink throwing and time-outs, FYI.haha All of that mothering, on top of taking care of Martin's every need keeps me far too busy to lose it.
So I keep it together, with tickle fights:) 


  1. Darling, darling video! What a treasure to have when they're all older :)

  2. You are such an awesome example as a mom, looks like our first and second will be pretty close in age and I just thought yesterday- Im going to just need to be a better version of me..
    I know no one is perfect but seeing how much love you have for your kids def makes me feel like I can be more patient, give my son a little more of me when he needs, not loose it over mess.. I love this video your kids are so beautiful!

  3. Oh, my heart. You have such a beautiful family! You can absolutely see Martin in your oldest daughter.

  4. Beautiful video! The love between all of you really shows. I admire your incredible strength, Emily.

  5. Beautiful!!!!!! People do say that busyness is a great help for depression and anxiety. Doing what you love! And what fullness you have to love. :) Thanks for this sweet sharing. You brighten up people's lives!

  6. This is so beautiful. Praying for you all!

  7. This is so sweet Emily, i'm sure you will treasure it forever.

  8. awww. so sweet! <3


  9. Love, love, love. The video was so precious and more tender than the pictures depicted. Thanks for sharing it with us!

  10. SO SWEET. Thank you for always being such an inspiration to me! You inspire me as a mom, woman, blogger, and person in general! I can honestly say that you were the number one inspiration behind me starting my own blog! I hope you like mine as much as I like yours!

  11. Following your post today-Emily, you're amazing. You are so strong and so good to these kids. They're going to look back when they're older and appreciate you so much.
