Wednesday, February 10

Festive Valentines Treat Ideas

Hope you're having a great love week friends:) Martin and I usually never get a date on Valentines day, and even the week of is hard to secure a baby-sitter, so we always just make it a family thing with some fun and simple decor, a couple special activities, and definitely lots of treats!

Don't they look awesome? So much for all those healthy New Years resolutions.haha Although I hope you're like me and even when you're 'watching what you eat' you still take a little break for holidays:) At any rate I really like picking out new recipes to try for love week because there are so many treats already, it doesn't matter if it doesn't turn out quite right.haha 

Well that's it for today, let me know if you decide to try any of these and hear how you liked them. Also I'm planning on spending Valentines alone with the kiddies this year, so I'd love to hear any traditions you may have that you enjoy with your family or by yourself! haha Sad day, but thanks for visiting, and take care,


  1. Aw love it all it gave me hunger hahah

    1. haha me too! It's hard to look through treats for a while and not want to just eat them all:)
      Have a great rest of your week!

  2. The raspberry green tea smoothies look delicious :)

    1. and probably the healthiest thing on the list! haha I hope you had a great Valentine's day!
