This week: was mostly full of more unpacking craziness/fun and the first ever home-cooked meals in the new house, but the biggest event of all was the very late-night surprise of having Martin show up on the doorstep when I was expecting him to be gone for two more weeks! He got a few days off while the hospital did some neat things with his extracted blood, etc, and he hoped on a plane to be with us. He has to be back on Tuesday however, so we've worked it out for Ellie and I to go back with him for a a couple days and then come home. The results of his first round of treatment and home program came back, and I'm anxious to talk to the Doctors and ask them a million questions. I'm also nervous to be going back there not only because of having to return to that mindset so fully after pushing everything to the back-burner for the last few months, but also because my sweet little Evie doesn't have her passport and I've never been away from her for more than an hour or so. It breaks my heart to be so pulled around between my loves, but there's no way around it:( The younger kiddies will be staying with very close family and friends, and I'll just keep reminding myself that it's only two nights...only two nights.
Snapshots of the week: Saturday fun putting a wagon together for the family, a little collection of favorite cutting-boards, my littlest darling, and some big beauties that are renting out one of our pastures.
To-dos and goals for the week:
- unpack the rest of the basement
- have a bonfire with the older girls
- finally make it to the gym
- break out the heavy comforters
- wash the windows
- drink more water
- work at being a better listener
- plan all the Halloween costumes
- make some hot chocolate
- have lots of extra snuggles with my kiddies
A few facts:
Snapshots of the week: Saturday fun putting a wagon together for the family, a little collection of favorite cutting-boards, my littlest darling, and some big beauties that are renting out one of our pastures.

To-dos and goals for the week:
- unpack the rest of the basement
- have a bonfire with the older girls
- finally make it to the gym
- break out the heavy comforters
- wash the windows
- drink more water
- work at being a better listener
- plan all the Halloween costumes
- make some hot chocolate
- have lots of extra snuggles with my kiddies
A few facts:
- The last time Ellie was on a plane was the last trip we ever went on together, when she was 6 months old. She is going to have so much fun:)
- We decided this week that caramel corn is just one of those rare things that are much better when you buy it and/or not worth the effort of trying to make it.
- TMI nursing warning- I know that it's only a couple days, but I'm worried about my 'supply' taking a big hit as she's been growing so much lately, and it means so much to me to be able to keep it with this little girl especially, so any tips would be great if you have them:)
- I think I'm finally getting to a place with a few of the rooms that I can start sharing tours. Exciting stuff:)
Something to take away:
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take"
- Wayne Gretzky
- Michael Scott
Thanks so much for visiting,
Can't wait to see pictures of your new place - it sounds so lovely!!
ReplyDeleteLove that Michael Scott "quote" :) haha!
xx Emily beauty blether
hahaha I couldn't resist:) and I'm just trying to officially finish one room so I can get started, but maybe I don't have to be 'done' done.haha
DeleteGreat name by the way!
Excited to see the room tours :)
ReplyDeleteThe milk supply issue I would say pump milk while you're away. It may sound stupid because she won't be able to drink it but it will make your body think she is and continue to make it. Are you planning on expressing for her to drink while you're away?
Also, question: Is there not a way to put her on your passport. In the UK a baby can go on the mothers for a year. Just wondering. Finger crossed!
Whenever I feel like my supply is getting low - or, in our case, just not being able to pump enough at work to cover the 27 ounces in 3 bottles that she drinks daily at daycare! - I take Fenugreek. Not sure if you're familiar with it, but it's a supplement my lactation consultant recommended, + it's really helped up my supply.
ReplyDeleteI'm excited to see your new home!
ReplyDeletethank you so much! It's been such an important part of keeping us grounded for the last few months, and we love it so much:)
DeleteLike Shelly I took Fenugreek and then I pumped exactly when my kid would eat. I knew with his schedule that he ate every 3 hours, so every 3 hours while away I pumped. Totally a pain in the butt, but supply didn't tank. Plus when you get back just nurse, nurse, nurse, supply and demand and I bet it comes back. Glad that Martin came home for a few days, what an awesome surprise!
ReplyDeleteIt all worked out great while we were gone and the fenugreek seems to be working, so thank you so much for your advice! It's been a great first day back together:)
DeleteGoogle "Domperidone" for low milk supply. It is a prescription drug for digestion issues, but a side affect in women is the production of breast milk!
ReplyDeleteI have three kids:
First child - milk gone at 4 months
Second child - milk gone by 3-4 months
Third child (taking Domperidone + Fenugreek daily) - more than enough milk for 8 months
It might be worth looking into for you. Some doctors are willing to write a prescription for it for the purposes of nursing.
Good luck!
By the way, I think if a baby is less than a year old, they can cross the Mexico and/or Canada border with just a birth certificate as long as both parents are present. That was the case for me and my baby at least...
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for passing that on! all the info for my supply and also for taking her with me! That's a game changer for sure since we're still having issues getting all her legal documents and we're hoping to go again together for his next round of treatments:)
DeleteHey Emily,
ReplyDeleteapprobated Practicioner of Alternative Medicine here.
I had a similar event comming up when my now six month old hit the three months mark and whether it was my gynaecologist or our family doctor - none of them would perscribe me something for my milk supply, because for three days, no one saw the necessity.
So I got together with my midwife and together we came to the conclusion that a mixture of regular pumping (if possible in tune with the eating habits of the little one and yes, even at night), fenugreekseed capsules, A LOT of breastfeeding tea (think of aniseed, fennel, marjoram, melissa, lemonj verbena and nigell and I suggest drinking this exclusively instead of water) and so called "breastfeeding bombs" - small baked balls of pure awesomeness.
I'll post you the recipe later. Heads up! You and little evie will make it through this, mama!
Thank you so so much! Everything worked out pretty well and it was a good first day back! It was great to see how much she missed me instead of missing the bottle.haha And I'm super intrigued to see these breastfeeding bombs!
Pump! As often as she would eat. Not just to keep your supply up, but also to avoid painful engorgement, which could lead to mastitis (which can make you very sick). You can store the milk at fridge temp for 5 days, and you *should* be able to carry it on (at least in the US the TSA counts it as "medical liquid"). Even if you don't keep it, you should pump for supply/engorgement reasons anyway. Good luck!
ReplyDeleteOh man I had mastitis with two of mine and it's the worst! I wasn't able to store any of it, but the pumping worked great and she was so happy to be back to nursing again:)
DeleteThanks so much for sharing your tips!
Yes, it's a simple solution, but pumping keeps the flow going ;) I had my wisdom teeth out last year and was on an antibiotic that I didn't want my then 2-year old to get through my milk. I pumped for a week and he was very cooperative with "abstaining", and after the antibiotics were over he reeaaally wanted to nurse again. I like to breastfeed my kids till they're three years old, so I was happy to continue--he weaned when he turned three in July and I'm so glad we didn't have to cut it short early. So happy you got to see Martin a little early. :)
ReplyDeletewow that is so awesome! I've never made it to a full year which was my goal, mostly I blame it on such close pregnancies, but I always admire women who can keep it going for that long:)
DeleteThank you for your comment!
Pump as often as she nurses and your supply should be fine! Set your alarm for the night pumps - don't forget those ;)
ReplyDeleteThanks lady!
I exclusively pumped for my first, and was able to just pump at work for my second(he was an awesome nurser). I never had to take supplements. I found that hydration was key. Drinks lots of water. And pumping should mimmick you baby nursing. At her age, I was pumping 5-6 times a day for 20 minutes at a time. Looking at pictures and videos help with let-down. And if you can do a middle of the night pump that helps too(you make the most milk while you sleep:)). I wouldn't worry too much though, it's a couple days, and stress can effect your supply- but once you're back with your girl I'm sure you'll be fine ❤️
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for all your wonderful tips! It's been such a great first day back together. I love every one of my babies but it's for sure hardest to be away from our little snuggly nursers:)
DeleteThanks for visiting and commenting!
Pumping one side while my don nursed on the other worked for me. Plus staying hydrated and eating good.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much! It's amazing the difference when I guzzle water like it's goin outta style.haha
In regard to nursing, brewers yeast! I've nursed six babies and that's the only thing that ever worked to bring my supply up!! I made cookies with it, took it in capsules, sprinkled it on everything.😁
ReplyDeleteThese comments are super helpful for me as well! I gave birth to an almost 10 lb baby girl three months ago and now she is wearing 9 month old clothes as well. My supply has been a bit wonky and I began to fret that I would not have enough for her. Thanks for the post!
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