Sunday, January 25

Weekend Wrap-up

This Week: was such a full and fun week! You already know a lot of these details if you follow on Instagram and/or Facebook (which I highly recommend *wink*), but this was my week to fly off into the clouds and visit The Grand America in SLC for Altitude Summit. Martin was a perfect angel in taking off work for my whole trip to watch the kids on his own! It was s huge spoiler for me and I'm so lucky to have such a patient and selfless guy by my side:)

The short version of Alt is that it was perfectly awesome:) The longer version will be coming in a blog post sometime this week after a bunch of you asked for my recap! haha Essentially though it's a big blogging conference where influencers and brands can connect, where people wear crazy outfits and stay up crazy hours, where the days are full of fantastic classes covering all aspects of personal branding, business marketing, social media, and so on, and the nights are full of themed parties (Downton Abbey dinner party anyone?) as far as the eye can see.haha I learned so much and met so many awesome people and brand representatives, and I'm feeling on top of the world:) 

Weekly Snapshots: 

To-do's and Goals for the Week:
- be more patient
- clean out all the cars
- work more efficiently
- drink more water
- catch up on the laundry folding (story of my life)
- go to bed earlier
- jump on the trampoline with the kiddos
- clean out the chicken coup
- take my vitamins
- write out my cleanse plan
- try lifting weights
- bake a pie with the girls
- be more present
- plan a camping trip
- get the girls chore charts set up
- clean off my desk
- find new music

A Few Facts: 
  • I'm currently addicted to the citrus and the coconut Lindt truffles. Soooo gooooood.
  • We've been having pretty warm weather recently, but my toes are still always cold! Do you have that problem? 
  • We went to the midwife this week to check on the little miss that kicks my guts all night, and she is measuring perfectly with a good strong heartbeat! People keep asking if I'm concerned that I'm not showing that much, but this is how all my pregnancies go really, and I pop out 10lb babies just about every time! haha
Something To Take Away:
"Great Things Never Come From Comfort Zones" - via Pinterest

Thanks so much for stopping by today! I hope you have a great rest of your new week!


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  1. How fun!! And I absolutely love your hair and makeup for the theme party!! Stunning.

    -Summer Ann
    Simply Summer Ann Blog

  2. Where do get the truffles, I want to try them I LOVE Lindt truffles.

  3. Yes! My feet are always cold! Luckily my husband's feet are always too warm so he warms my feet up and I cool his off :)

  4. Gorgeous dress and your hair is stunning!

  5. Love your hair in the bottom left picture. Do you have a tutorial for that? And yes, my feet are always cold too! I wear slippers year round.

  6. I always have cold toes and feet in winter! I need to always cover them up, meaning I can never wear ballerinas and stuff that show the ankle, I'd freeze to death!
    As for showing! When My sister was pregnant with Her twins, She barely showed till the 4th, and that was barely, and She weighed less when She gave birth than when She started Her pregnancy. Her OB/GYN said this WAS very healthy, as She only ate the healthy portions and foods!

    The Chronic Dreamer

  7. I am so amazed by how organized you are. I don't even have kids and I have a hard time keeping up with everything. I recently tried the Strawberry and white chocolate Lindt truffle balls and they are amazing.

  8. Alt summit sounds like it was amazing and I can not wait to read your recap!

    xx Kelly
    Sparkles and Shoes
