Sunday, September 28

Weekend Wrap-up

Well hey there stranger! Before I get started with the post I can't wait to announce the three lucky lucky winners of the Steve Madden Bootie Giveaway! The ladies are Mandy P, Daria F, and Julieann F! I've emailed all three of them and we're working out he details to get them their booties! Exceot for you Mandy, so check your email if this is you! Thank you all so so much for participating in this super fun giveaway, and I can't wait to announce the next one!
This Week: you may or may not have noticed that I took the whole week off! Well, from blog posting that is.haha I certainly got zero time off from all other types of work in my day-to-day, but it was still a fun and productive one all around. 
I had a couple of very exciting meetings about the The Freckled Fox going forward, Martin and I actually had a date(!) which hasn't happened in ages it seems, I had an amazing time modeling for Jessica in some perfect new Fall pieces for Albion Fit (after having my makeup done for the second time in my life by none other than the gorgeous makeup artist Vivian), Lydia took her first step:), I had several awesome opportunities come through in my inbox, my 'baby' brother turned 18, I made a 16 quart pot of the best beef stew ever, received my long anticipated bloom slings from Sakura (plenty more of those later!), and last but not least we received our family portraits from our session last month with Justin Hackworth, and ho. ly. cow. we are so in love with how they turned out!! Such a great week!
To-do's and Goals for the Week:
- try my new teeth whitener
- rework my october schedule a bit
- bake a pie 
- have a couple more park days with the kiddies
- spray the playroom shelf white
- get ellie to take a nap
- catch up on emails (never in my life)
- catch up on laundry (" ")
- write up the rest of my juice cleanse
- learn a new song on the piano
- build the top shelves in the library
- take my vitamins every day!
- keep up the filming
- have one-on-one time with john
- clean off my desk
- Start each day with a grateful heart :)

A Few Facts: 
  • I could eat omelettes every morning for the rest of my life
  • I miss those nights from when I was younger when I would read a mystery novel from cover to cover while the whole house slept. That may be the only way I can read these days.haha
I hope you have a great week ahead, and thank you for coming back here even after my week-long break! It was really refreshing to just push things around a bit and think about my balancing act. Anyway's, take care friends!
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  1. Same here with the laundry!! And I think my husband would love me even more if I made a pie - I just don't see it turning out very well!! Loved this post!

  2. You can do the vitamins. :) I know how fun to do list making is, and even more, crossing them off. I didn't know you played piano Sweet. I'm a piano teacher. :)

  3. Love the t-shirt with the printed pocket. Such an easy DIY!


  4. Aghh nap battles and laundry are the worst!
    Always reminding myself to be grateful for the little people dirtying all of the laundry!

  5. Hi, it's Jenn from Belle Hibou. I've been trying to reach you about the giveaway we had planned and the free necklace I sent to you. Please email me as soon as possible at

  6. I am on the craziest omelette kick right now too! Come to think of it I had a breakfast type meal for all 3 meals yesterday haha love it!

  7. I can never pull off those mid-finger rings. Something about prominent knuckles just doesn't work. I', super jealous. ;)

    Don't feel bad. I never have time to read, either. I think that is something most of the country accomplishes on vacation, but even then I can never find the time. I miss books. Good luck on your late night reading!

  8. What teeth whitener are you using?
