(Update: Looking back at these photos, I want it to be clear that the 'after' photos are more 'middle' since I'd lost a lot of body-fat but not reached my desired physique which certainly wasn't so lanky looking.haha After that I started putting on lots of muscle, and I share those photos in my competition recap here. Thanks!)
Hey guys! So since I'm sure you've already looked at the pictures let me just apologize for those of you who didn't really set out to see me in a bra and spanks today, but this post has been a long time coming so I appreciate you reading on! If you've ever asked questions about my fitness and health, I may answer it here:) I admit to being both nervous and excited as I type this out, because knowing that we're putting ourselves out there to the world in any way is always tough, but especially when it's so literal like this(aka in my skivvies.haha). But here it is, my 'before and after', no control top panty-hose, no slimming heels, not even a proper hairstyle or makeup.haha 
I've been meaning to hit the publish button for days now, but I'm getting past the nervousness (of posting photos of myself in said sportsbra and spanks) by remembering that you guys are great friends and supporters, and that anyone who really cares about me won't be critical or judgmental but encouraging and loving like always:) Besides, the way I see it is yes, I'm shy and a little embarrassed about what I looked like before (I don't think I was horrible or anything, just 'softer' than I've been in a very long time), but I had just had a baby a few weeks before those pictures were taken, and also I'm not that girl anymore!
So, now I have to think of how to condense all that I want to share in this post, cuz there's a whole lot! Lets start like this: My name is Emily Meyers, I've had four kids in the last four years. My oldest is 3 and my youngest is only 3 months old! These photos are ten weeks apart as you can see. I've lost 2 pounds on the scale, but I've lost 12% of my bodyfat. That means that I've turned all that fat into muscle:) yeah baby!

A brief 'Why': You guys that have been following and reading a while already know that around Christmas time I wasn't setting goals of weight loss for the new year, but rather goals of obtaining muscle-tone and getting leaner. I started having kids relatively quickly after I got married and I knew that I wanted to have my kids close together (for many reasons that I'll not address here), as you know they're all about a year apart and because of that I've really put my body through the ringer. I knew towards the middle of this last pregnancy with Lydia that I wanted to focus big time on getting back into shape once she was born and into getting some muscle back into these soft squishy limbs of mine.haha
I've had some pretty tough pregnancies and so I had to depend on gentle and careful ways of keeping active during them. I was extremely sick with my first 24/7 to the point of daily injections at the hospital because I couldn't even keep down water let alone anything solid for months. I've had placenta previa with two, miscarriage scares with two, I've been on bed-rest at some point for all of them, so I had to be extremely careful when exercising during pregnancy if I did it at all, but I did what I could at home and ate the right way(mostly:)). My goal was always that I would reach my pre-pregnancy weight before getting pregnant again, and between my food choices, nursing, and light exercising with just chores and child lifting etc it happened pretty quickly. I could feel my muscle deteriorating more and more however, so I knew I had to step it up. Once I hit 6 weeks post-partum and my midwife gave me the go ahead for exercising, we took some photos and decided to start eating very clean, and I started in on a regular fitness routine.

How: to answer a few questions asked often, no it's not genetics.haha I have all different body-types in my family and so I've worked hard just like anyone else to keep some semblance of my figure throughout my close-together pregnancies. I've always loved to exercise however and started going to my first fitness classes (with my mother) before I was even in highschool. I've also always loved whole grains and vegetables of all kinds as well. I was the child that took everyone's veggies off the table when they didn't want them, and the one who tried out all the different diets my mom experimented with. I was lucky enough to marry a fantastic cook who also has a huge passion for whole foods, and who for the last few years has been very involved in fitness. Up until ten weeks ago I never really watched what I ate, I never counted calories, I never felt guilt for eating(and still don't!), but we both also naturally wanted healthier things for meals and were so active that I was able to indulge whenever I wanted really (have you SEEN my instagram feed from up until christmas? cookie dough galore.haha).
Sorry if this is one big rant and not very organized, I feel like I'm bursting at the seams with info I want to share, questions that need answered. haha I'll stress again that I will have many many more posts on this topic, I just knew that I needed to kick them off with this big progress post. so bare with me! :)
Food/workouts: Before you ask about my diet I'll just tell you right off the bat that I'm eating about twice the amount of food now than I was before. You gotta feed that muscle! haha Martin and I cleaned up our diet a bunch like I said, and until I get closer to my goals we're eating lots of lean proteins, healthy carbs, tons of veggies and greens, and we're juicing every day. I work out twice a day- one little cardio session at home and then a weight routine followed by a little more cardio at the gym. I have a husband that works full time and so I work out early in the morning before the kids get up and he leaves for work, or in the evenings after dinner and usually once the kids are down. I belong to a gym that's open till midnight so that works for me. No I do not have a nanny, I don't have a cleaning lady, I barely have a babysitter for our date-every-week goal(which whenever we do get it we go to the gym together.haha) I work full time as a mommy of four babies when their awake, and then during nap time and a little in the evenings after my workout I'll get blogging and emails done (I promise I'll post more schedules very soon too!), so things are definitely pretty busy around here!

Motivation: I've always been a huge overachiever. I always set out with very unrealistic goal lists for the day knowing full well that I won't get even half of them done probably, but I still like to challenge myself and aim high. Why not?! I'm motivated by the feeling of progressing and success, for that moment of scratching another thing off the list. I'm determined to better myself constantly, and I work my arse off every single day to make my family my top priority, then my housework and job and everything else squish in the cracks where there's room.
If you're a follower than you know that I'm not some crazy workaholic and that I have many many quiet and slow days here with my kids, but the bottom line is that I KNOW that when I take a little time for myself that I'm a better wife and mother, and putting myself in the best possible shape that I can be so I can run with my kids and tackle them into a tickle party is the best thing to do with that 'me' time that I can think of. It's not an accident that I've come so far these last couple months, it's not luck or some magic diet pill, it's not good genes. Right now I eat 7 healthy meals a day and work out like crazy about 6 days a week. I'm working towards a goal right now so I'll keep up this lifestyle till I get there. I know that what I get out is directly tied to what I put into it, just like everything else in my life, so I'm giving it my all, I'm making it a top priority, I'm finding my strong and I'm being as fearless as I possibly can:)
The Goal: I'm a very goal oriented person, and in order to achieve something I really need and love to have a goal in sight. meaning that for instance I can't just say "I want to get some laundry done", I have to set the goal of getting every bit washed and folded and put away.haha When I wake up in the morning, I write out a list that paints the picture of where I'd like to be at the end of the day, and then I strive for that every minute that I can. I have lots of daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly goal lists and schedules, and I love feeling so organized.
When I decided to start this journey of health and not weight loss (yes you've been following along:)) I didn't really have a specific place that I wanted to end up other than a mental picture of what I'd like to look like (we all have those.haha). My husband and I spent a long time talking about our lives currently and where we wanted to be in the future as far as our health and well-being, and then by happenstance we found a goal together:) Martin and I are going to compete in the NPC Fitness Competition! Martin will be in the Mens Physique category, and I'll be doing the Bikini Category. We're like the step below those crazy bodybuilding competition.haha Crazy right?! Yes it is, and not only that, but it's in less than three weeks. OMG. Yes I'm super nervous! I was indecisive about it at first, because I"m a very self conscious person when it comes to bathing suits let alone wearing one on stage under incredibly bright lights (hence the ridiculously dark tans.haha), and I knew that there are those who would disapprove maybe, but the way I see it is this is my choice and my life, and like I said before, those that really love and support me will be happy for me! I just knew that this goal would give me huge accountability and motivation, and it certainly is working great! haha
There are very strict regulations about the type and cut of the bikini, hair and make-up, even skin tones are judged and so need to be as spot on as possible. I've always thought that the people in photos preparing to go on stage in those competitions looked so silly for having on so much sunless tanner, and now I have to go and do the same thing! haha It makes perfect sense now though because when they get up there in all the lights, you have to be able to see contours and curves, I mean that is kind-of the point of the sport.haha
There are very strict regulations about the type and cut of the bikini, hair and make-up, even skin tones are judged and so need to be as spot on as possible. I've always thought that the people in photos preparing to go on stage in those competitions looked so silly for having on so much sunless tanner, and now I have to go and do the same thing! haha It makes perfect sense now though because when they get up there in all the lights, you have to be able to see contours and curves, I mean that is kind-of the point of the sport.haha

In Conclusion: With all my my hard work and training I'm doing, this is all for for me and by extension my family. To prove to myself just how hard I can push myself and where I can go with ym hard work, and to be the very best version of myself! Martin decided that if we were going to go along with this seemingly radical idea to compete that we'd definitely need someone who'd done it and been successful if at all possible to teach us about being on stage and he posing, etc. We found an awesome coach who is an IFBB Pro himself and has taught a bunch of competition winners! No pressure right? haha I'll be introducing him on the blog very soon. He doesn't live here but we've had good skype calls and it's been great. There are so many ins and outs to competing on stage in a sport like this, and where we were so short on time it only made sense to have a coach instead of trying to figure it all out on our own before the show.
So I guess I'm getting close to a stopping point here! You're probably thinking "phew".haha Again I'll have lots more posts on my health and fitness including also tips and tricks, recipes, product reccommendations, etc so feel free to ask your questions any time! I am certainly passionate about this and have much to share as you can see.haha As I said before it is hard to push the publish button and put these photos out there, but I am really proud of the results of my hard hard work even if they may not look so big to some people, and I just hope that like with all other aspects of my blog, that sharing my experiences with you guys can somehow help and or inspire you in some way!
Lastly remember that every one is different and that you should never compare your progression with someone elses, because they're not you! We all try to live our lives to the best of our ability and wither you've lost one pound or a hundred pounds, walked one block or ran 26.2 miles, haven't touched sugar in two years or two days, we're all trying our best or want to start anyway's and we are the only ones that are fit to judge what we can or cannot do. Don't ever let anyone's negativity bring you down because it just stems on jealousy, and remember that every little baby step is still progress forward!!
Phew, that's all for now:) I hope you're still awake! haha Thank you again so much for reading and for your constant encouragement and support. Your friendships make me feel like the luckiest girl in the world and I appreciate you more adn more each day. I can't wait to share more of my journey with you, to answer all of your questions and to maybe provide some encouragement and motivation to you!
I hope you have a great rest of your day, and I'll see you again soon!
xoxso, Emily
P.S. if you're interested in following more closely to my adventures, be sure and be my friend on Instagram!
oh.my.heck. you have done an AMAZING job girl!! wow, so you're my new workout inspiration for after i have baby#2 here soon (i'm 35 weeks)! so so happy you posted about this!
ReplyDeleteWow, great job! I love that you focused on muscles rather than weight. I think a lot of people get blinded by the number on the scale, instead of focusing on building a better and stronger body that has more energy than before :) Good luck with the competition!
ReplyDeleteWe basically had our last baby at the same time (3-ish months ago), so I know how hard you have worked to get so fit! Awesome job! Good luck in the competition and thanks for being such a positive inspiration!
ReplyDeleteI'd love to hear about your juicing recipes and sample meal plans!
Wow, you did great! 10 weeks and those kinds of results is simply amazing. I wish I could be as driven as you are, but somehow the workout never seems to fit in when I come home from work (I am a teacher and work unfortunately doesn't end when I get home at around 4). But your example hopefully will get me to do as much as I can to get a more toned and healthy body.
ReplyDeleteThank you!
Love from Germany
Wow! Amazing! Goods job! These shapes are perfect, you don't have to loose your weight anymore. Just keep it :)
ReplyDeleteKisses from Poland:*
You look great! Keep up the good work. I just had baby #2 and can't wait to get back in shape. I've mostly been focusing on my cardio to get my running mileage back up where it was pre-pregnancy, but would really like to add weights and strength training to tone up. Can't wait to read more on the subject.
ReplyDeleteYou've achieved amazing results and it's really inspiring! Best of luck in the contest and good on you for bravely posting your photos and such a detailed personal journey x
Wow Emily this is incredible! thank you so much for this very encouraging post. You look awesome, I see a huge difference. Don't lose more weight, just keep it up. You are a true inspiration to people like me who are rather on the lazy site :) congrats.
ReplyDeleteYou look AMAZING!! Congrats on getting back into shape.
ReplyDeleteCongrats on your determination and hard work! :)
ReplyDeleteYou look phenomenal! I'm so impressed and proud for you! You don't need to justify that it's good genes, anyone who HAS seen your instagram knows that you spend a lot of time getting sweaty at the gym. Which is exactly what you need to do. So amazing, girl! Keep it up and good luck with your competition!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on all your hard work and determination! Good luck with reaching your goals :)
ReplyDeleteLove it Emily!! Thank you for making yourself vulnerable, and I needed the reminder that people who care about you will be encouraging. That is absolutely true. Sometimes we just have to weed out the people who are critical and stop listening to them. Congrats!!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! This is such a fantastic post & very inspirational. More often than not, people are looking for a quick fix to achieve the body that they want but it takes hard work and dedication to get there. You have proven that it is totally possible!
Haute Child in the City
Wow. You look great! I admire your dedication and your will to get fit and healthy. On my end...I wish I had more time to go to the gym, or workout. Unfortunately, working full time (as in - I'm not at home with my kids) ... when I get home, after cooking, all I want to do is spend time with them. When they go to bed is when I do chores like dishes, laundry, cleaning... and if time permits, maybe a little time with my husband. Now to find a bit of time for me...to work out, or do anything...Lol.
ReplyDeleteI am amazed amazed amazed at all you fit into in one day. So amazed. I've been wanting to get back into the gym and a fitness routine for awhile now, but life is so busy and the only time I could really get to do this would be if I woke up at 5.30am and exercised then. And honestly, I've been putting off doing that. You've made me realise I have no excuses!!! Looking forward to seeing your schedule of how you fit it all in, and still sleep xx love your blog by the way despite this being my very first comment x
ReplyDeleteIt wouldn't matter what I did, my stomach will never look like that. I have inches of extra skin. :P Great job though - you can definitely see the difference. (Although, I think you looked AMAZING for six weeks postpartum on baby #4. Most people don't look like that pre-baby #1!)
ReplyDeleteJust a quick question: Do you get your period regularly (without the use of birth control...) at this weight/ percentage of bodyfat?
ReplyDeleteAnd good luck with the competition!
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteJust a WOW, four kids in four years and you still looked awesome 6 weeks after your last one. It is obvious how hard you worked to maintain a healthy lifestyle even when pregnant. Sadly at the moment I would take your 6 weeks post bod, but like you sad we all need our own goals. It is obvious how hard you have worked and you are in amazing shape, please stay at the one level below category please, those crazy body builders are just that crazy ( not me preference). You are truly inspiring with the regime that you follow and the life you lead, keep it up and I would love to follow some of your journey on your blog.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing this!! WOW! You have nothing to be embarrassed about! I am learning after recently having had my first baby, you do what is right for your family and don't let anyone else make you feel bad about your choices! You look AMAZING in the "after" pics, but for what it's worth I think you also look great in the "before" pictures for just having had a baby! :)
ReplyDeleteYou go gurl!!!
ReplyDeleteI can NOT beleiveeee how good you look in both pictures from having 4 children!
You have motivated me to get to my goal in time for my partners and I's first holiday!
Thank you!
Amazing! Thank you for this post. So encouraging even for us gals who have not had children and are wanting to get in better shape- i am inspired!
ReplyDeleteCould you put a trigger warning on this? Some of this could be pretty triggering for people with body-dismorphic issues.
ReplyDeleteThis is awesome and you are inspirational! Good for you!! Figure comps are such an exciting goal. There will be haters but don't listen to them - you are doing what's right for you and your family and I bet most people are going to be jealous! Can't wait to see more posts along these lines from you. Good luck!!!
ReplyDeleteGosh! Thank you for sharing!! I am so sad to look how I look right now. I have always been skinny and in great shape. Then....the 40' came along.
ReplyDeleteIt's a yucky feeling. You are inspiring me!
Wow! Amazing! I'm starting at about where your before photo is and would love to look like your after photo! I can't believe you have 4 children!
ReplyDelete~Ashley @ A Cute Angle
keep up the good work girl! you look incredible! and thanks for sharing :)
ReplyDeleteYou look amazing!! Not just because you had a baby recently, but in general! I'm proud of your hard work, Emily! Keep it up and I can't wait to hear how your competition goes!
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteYou look amazing! I'll use this as inspiration for sure :)
ReplyDeleteYou look AMAZING!! I love the attitude you have and I really loved what you said about how we are the only ones that know what is best for ourselves! I love that! I've been focusing a ton on health and fitness and not getting caught up on what's on the scale, but building muscle and being healthy for me. Thank you! You are inspiring!
ReplyDeleteWow you are an inspiration! I just have one question though.....when do you sleep haha seriously though how much sleep do have have each day? Im trying really hard to lose weight but i work long hours and i need a lot of sleep x
ReplyDeleteGet it girl! You are going to rock that competition! Your training has paid off and you are going to win it! Good luck, can't wait to see pictures of you competing. Good luck. :)
ReplyDeleteI'm gad that you posted at the end about everyone being different, it's good to always remember that.
Can you do a post about how your got your kids to all sleep at the same time?! That's the really the amazing part I read through this whole post, I kept thinking, wow how does she get them all to sleep so that she can actually get stuff done during the day :)
You look incredible! Way to go!!
ReplyDeleteEmily - you look SO amazing! Your before pictures are what I look like on a good day - ha! This s really inspiring.
ReplyDeleteAMAZING! I would never know you had 4 kids. It's proof that it is possible to have a flat tummy again after childbirth and that not only rich celebrities can do it.
ReplyDeleteI havent read everything, but the photo's amazed me. Because honestly, I liked your posture more on the before photo's. But I guess that's my own personal opinion. You didnt need to loose weight at all;) Really.
ReplyDeletei agree! congrats on meeting your goals and everything, but i think you look absolutely perfect in your 6 weeks pp picture.
DeleteAwesome! I think this is so great and inspiring. I will admit that I always thought in my head that it was possibly easier for you because you are naturally tall and thin... but reading this makes me realize that you really are just like all of us in this sense. I know I should have realized before. But it's good to read it in your words! :) so thank you for sharing. :) Inspired to start my own journey with my hubby at home. :) Also excited for spring. It's always so much easier when we can go out and walk. :) You remind me a lot of Mandi at Biblical Homemaking blog. She I think is a mama of 5, stay at home, healthy eater and teaches fitness classes. You even have the same long red hair. ;) haha Anyway, thanks for sharing! XO- Alexandra
ReplyDeleteSimply Alexandra: My Favorite Things
Emily you look incredible!!! Thank you so much for sharing your journey!! I can't wait to hear about how the competition goes!
ReplyDeleteWow, you look incredible! You are such an inspiration, and just reading this makes me want to get off the couch and start working out. I've been trying to eat healthier and exercise.. but I keep making excuses. It's frustrating! Ha ha! That is so wonderful that you are so happy with what you are doing!! I can't wait to hear more about it - especially some tips ;D
ReplyDeleteYou look fantastic -Hanna Lei
ReplyDeleteI so want to find time for a workout but it seems like there just aren't enough hours in the day! You look great before & after - so don't feel embarrassed to post those pictures. I didn't look that great 6 weeks PP! haha! I am at a happy weight number right now, but like you, I'd love to tone up. A gym membership just isn't in our budget right now & since there is still snow & ice on the ground here, I'm stuck inside, at home. I've been meaning to kick my butt back into gear & this post was the final punt to the finish line. haha. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! You look amazing. You are also the PERFECT example of how and why this stuff works. Take your abs, for example. Eating clean and eating enough is key. From someone who is a personal trainer -- I work so hard to try and get this message across to my clients. It all starts with your diet and then your dedication to do your workouts. Thank you for being an amazing inspiration to us all.
ReplyDeleteYou look AMAZING, Emily! I love how you mentioned that you've only lost 2 pounds, but have gained so much in muscle. I have a very muscular body type, and people are always surprised when they find out how much I weigh. Muscle weight a lot more than fat! But the number of your weight isn't what's important, it's how you feel. Thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteWow! So inspiring! I had a brief stint of working on my health and fitness last year and keep wanting to get back to it. It's hard - I love chocolate and find excuses too easily. This post has really inspired me, so thank you xo
ReplyDeleteYou look awesome!! You are working so hard and it is paying off! I love that you focus on being healthy and not a number on the scale! I would like to ask a question. You mentioned you were nursing. How did you figure out how many calories you needed per day to support nursing and working out?! Good luck in the competition!! You will do great!
ReplyDeleteYou're amazing, Emily! I enjoyed reading about your journey and especially about how you and your husband always talk everything through. Your marriage is an example for others and I look forward to reading more about you and your family.
ReplyDeleteYou continue to inspire me everyday, well done on all your hard work you look fantastic and so healthy, stunning :)
ReplyDeleteWow… your hard work has definitely paid off! You look awesome! It is inspiring to see and I am encouraged to get into shape! Thanks for sharing this.
ReplyDeleteWow, first of all CONGRATS on all your hard work and everything you've achieved! I know you're busy, so I feel bad asking another question, but I was wondering what you're plans are to maintain your physique once you achieve your goals. Will you still be working out 6 days a week, eating as much, etc?
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing your transformation process! You look great, and it is very inspiring! I couldn't bring myself to workout until my son was about 9 months old, so I am very impressed that you did so much so quickly, and with four kids! Did you have any problems with diastasis recti? That was a big hurdle for me, and now that I am past it, I am more happy with my muscle tone that I ever have been.
ReplyDeleteEmily, this is awesome. My last relationship was with a bodybuilder who did those competitions, and I think you'll have so much fun with yours!!! Can't wait to see how well you do and all the progress you end up making :)
ReplyDeleteSo awesome! I'm excited to follow along. You look so amazing!
ReplyDeleteYou look amazing! So inspiring! Its a great lesson for people who say they can't make time because of their kids, or because of work or whatever...you have four small children and still health a priority! You are my hero today!
ReplyDeleteYou look fabulous. I'm not a mom, but I completely agree that taking care of yourself and being healthy is one of the best things you can do for your family. It teaches them from young ages how to be healthy without having to change bad habits later in life. :)
ReplyDeleteI would LOVE to read recipe posts and some of your workouts that are your favorites and target your favorite muscles. :) I can't wait to see your continued progress!
I think it's amazing what your doing and you've made really good progress! I've recently been thinking a lot about getting/eat healthy but its been overwhelming and i have no idea where to start! It's nice you and your husband have each other for support.
ReplyDeleteholy moly!! you look amazing!! better than me and no babies here lol. do you lift hard??
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteWow! I am so impressed! Not only with your physical change, but with the way you have chosen to live your life! I'm sure it was had to post the first blog on this subject, but you should be so proud! PLEASE keep us informed, as you have time :) how the contest goes. And when you get time I am looking forward to the details about your workouts etc. Good Luck! Great Job!
ReplyDeleteLooking forward to hearing those fitness tips! Especially for arms!
ReplyDeleteLooking forward to those fitness tips...especially for arms!! Those are the worst for me and I'm dying to know how you got such significant results!
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing your story. Its very inspirational and has motivated me to get more organised and stop putting things off :)
ReplyDeleteWell hello fabulous! This is such an empowering post! Thank you so much for sharing--I love blogs that aren't afraid to get personal because I can relate to them so much more. If you don't mind me asking, how did your clothing sizes change throughout this process? I know you said that this is only a two pound difference (the power of muscle!), but obviously the weight is distributed differently.
ReplyDeleteYou are amazing. ..I love your commitment to be able to step out of your comfort zone....good wishes to you guys. You are such an inspiration. ....;;;;)))))
ReplyDeleteCould you post what your work out is with weight?? You're an inspiration!
ReplyDeletethis is really inspiring! I love it! I'm currently trying to lose weight and documenting it over on my blog- but how stupid is this, i never thought to take a set of all angle photos for a before picture?? I love the fact that someone who is much busier than me can make such a difference to themselves, really making me want to get to the gym tomorrow !!
ReplyDeleteYou are AMAZING Emily! So proud of you- what an inspiration you are to the rest of us you keep committed to our goals! Good luck on your competition!
ReplyDeleteYour transformation is just incredible and so, so inspiring! Congratulations on all your hard work!
ReplyDeleteYou looked pretty great after 6 weeks too! Congratulations on your handwork!
ReplyDeleteHere is my transformation after each kid
You looked pretty great after 6 weeks too! Congrats on your handwork. Here is my transformation after each kid.
You look fantastic!! And you have seriously inspired me. I have desperately wanted to get back into shape post-baby, but it has been SO hard with working part-time and also waking up during the night. But from how I know it feels, I have to do it. You rock!
ReplyDeleteYou are so inspiring! I always looking forward to your posts :)
ReplyDeleteGood luck with the competition! I think you'll blow those judges away!
You are so inspiring! I really look forward to reading your posts! :)
ReplyDeleteGood luck with the competition! I think you'll blow those judges away!
this is very motivating! I love that you set goals and stick to them.. they are paying off in big ways. Congrats
ReplyDelete... And this is why you are my FAVE blogger ever! Xx
ReplyDeleteYou are so inspiring! I hadn't looked at your blog in a while and when I did I saw this! Let me just say you're amazing, you look so fit and beautiful, and it's the best motivation ever! Thank you so much for this post!
ReplyDeleteDang girl!! Smoking. You have had amazing results!!
ReplyDeletewow! you look amazing! :)
ReplyDeleteAs always, a pleasure reading your blog. You're a great role model Emily.
ReplyDeleteGirl, you are amazing! I always lack the dedication to lose these couple of pounds I've gained thanks to grad school, but you are truly an inspiration.
ReplyDeleteThis has been my goal to look like for a while.....
ReplyDeleteAnd after seeing this, it's all i can think of as motivation while i'm burning my butt off!! Thanks soooooooooo much
I wish you luck in achieving your goal, you are truly and inspiration. I enjoy reading your blog so much and just wonder how you are able to do it all.
ReplyDeleteYou look amazing!!!!
ReplyDeleteGood for you! :) This is really encouraging and helpful!
ReplyDeleteCan you share some of your workout routine with us?
Wow, great job! I love that you mentioned it doesn't come easy for you, but that you have to work hard and be committed. Also, that you only lost 2 pounds. It can be really easy to get caught up in the numbers on the scale. You're amazing!
ReplyDeleteYour tummy looks incredible!!! Your whole body looks incredible haha.
Amazing, thanks for sharing your story. You have a timeless beauty about you and I think you look great in both the "after" AND "before" photo. Go get 'em, girl!
ReplyDeleteAmazing- thanks for sharing your story. You have a timeless beauty about you and I think you look great in the "after" AND "before" picture. Go get 'em, girl!
ReplyDeleteWow I am so impressed! I am a workout fanatic, but sometimes struggle with eating right-seeing your pictures are very motivational, especially knowing you are a busy mom with 4 little ones! Congrats on your progress and good luck as you prepare for the figure competition!
ReplyDeleteThank you very much for sharing your story. I would love to hear more about your work out plan(s) and what types of weight training you do. Cardio information would be helpful as well.
ReplyDeleteThank you kindly,
Your transformation was so inspiring to see. I can't wait for more posts on how you did it. I'd love to hear about your workout routines. Best of luck in the competition!
ReplyDeleteDang girl, congratulations!
ReplyDeletexx Kelly
Sparkles and Shoes
Thank you so much for not only courageously posting the before and after pics and all your honesty, but also for taking the time to write such a beast of a post and sharing it with us! I really enjoyed reading this, and even though I haven't ever had kids and so am not coming back from pregnancy, I am trying to get fitter and build more muscle tone, so it was a very motivating post.
ReplyDeleteAlso, you look amazing! Dang, girl!!
Style to Stage
What a great post. And way to go!! :) You look amazing, can't believe you had four kids with that kind of body, pure inspiration.
ReplyDeleteLoads <3
Oh my gosh girl! You look fantastic! There's no way you had 4 kids! You probably hear that all the time. I thought you looked amazing before but you're even more beautiful now! You have definitely inspired me. I've been self-conscious my entire life and I started a change this year by not drinking cokes or eating fried foods or sweets, and it's actually a lot easier than I thought it would be! Your post is so motivational and inspiring that who would not want that for someone? As long as you're happy and healthy, go for it! And I don't believe you only lost 2lbs. What?! Did I read that right? Anyway, you're awesome and I love reading your blog; it helps me get my to-do lists done, too! :)
ReplyDelete- Madison
Congrats, your hard work is really paying off! I am 3 weeks post-partum and can't wait to get the clear from my doctor to really start working out again. I can't wait to really challenge myself again and I think the stress relief from working out will be a major bonus. Well done! You are such an inspiration to mamas everywhere!
ReplyDeleteThis is such great motivation for those of us that just had a baby and are working hard to get that baby weight off! Thank you for putting yourself out there!!
This is awesome!!! and great motivation!
ReplyDeleteYou look incredible. I need your motivation STAT. I just started Insanity (again, whatev) yesterday, and even now, sitting at my desk, I'd rather leave and have a margarita than go home and do burpees :)
ReplyDeleteYou look amazing! I have 2 children, 3 and under and am hoping to have a 3rd soon. I am lower than my pre pregnancy weight but feel out of shape, and am hoping to get some of my old muscle back! If you could give tips that would be great! I have been reading your blog for about a year but am what you would call a stalker because I have never commented before. You are a good inspiration to me and I am looking forward to hearing more about your schedules. I don't know how you do it all and am trying to get my life more organized. Thanks for sharing! Oh and I have long hair like yours, so your hair tutorials are great because I can actually do them without having a full head of hair leftover afterward!
ReplyDeleteI have to say first of all well done you look amazing!! Im so jealous I have a wedding in Ibiza in may and I need to loose some serious belly fat and you just proved that I can do it I def need to start now I want to look like you your figure is amazing keep up the good work!! love reading your blog :)
ReplyDeleteRichael xx
(as everyone seems to agree) this is ridiculously inspiring! thank you so much for sharing.
ReplyDeleteGood for you! Proof that the "secret" is eating well and exercising! Bravo! xoxo
ReplyDeleteWow! This is an amazing transformation Emily! Congratulations and best of luck in your upcoming competition!!!
ReplyDeleteJennifer Ashley
Your results are fantastic! Good for you!
ReplyDeleteAlso, I'm really interested to know what type of weight training you do! And do you run for your cardio?
Great results. Gives me hope. I have tried everything. Eat pretty good. Enjoy organic and like to exercise but no results. Very frustrated. You have done exactly what I would love to achieve. I know you must be very busy but I would love if you would share more about sample meals and what type of exercises you do. Desperate to get into shape for summer. Thanx.
ReplyDeleteNot sure if this will post twice. Don't know if my comment posted. Sorry if it does. You look fantastic and yes this does inspire me. You have achieved what I have been trying so hard to do. Not bulk but thin down. I have tried everything. I eat healthy and like to exercise to no avail. I am desperate to get into shape for summer. I won't even wear shorts anymore. I am sure you are extremely busy but I would appreciate tremendously if you could share more about your meals and specific types of exercises. Thank you so much.
ReplyDeleteYou're amazing, Emily. Truly inspirational and such a hard worker. I hope I can channel your motivation and enthusiasm after I have Rowan :) Thanks so much for being vulnerable and sharing with all of us.
ReplyDeletewow what an amazing transformation. I look very similar to your before pics..and I must admit, since my clothes look and fit well i have little motivation for exercising. But these pics motivated me so much! i think I am ready for a challenge and you helped motivate that!
ReplyDeleteI agree with Kate! I look very similar to your before pictures as well, I have had four children, and I know that through my pregnancies and recoveries, I have just lost a lot of muscle! I can't wait to hear about how you gained muscle. I am ready to gain my back, but have no idea where to even begin, I hope you post about it soon! Thanks for sharing!
DeleteEmily, I am SO thrilled to have stumbled upon this post! As a fitness professional, I find this focus and achievement truly inspirational and I hope you don't mind me sharing it with my followers. We must focus less on the scale and more on body composition by lifting heavy and FEEDing the muscle ;) Congratulations. And if you need any inspiration on your journey, please follow my BodyByHannah Facebook page, twitter or instagram accounts :)
Emily, this is a truly inspirational post. I'm SO happy to have stumbled upon it. I hope you won't mind me sharing it with my followers. As a fitness professional, I am always stressing to my clients not to focus on the scale but on body composition. We must lift heavy and FEED the muscle to achieve results! You are a great example! Keep it up and if you need motivation, be sure to follow my fitness pages :)
You are so beautiful outside and even more importantly inside!!! I think you look amazing and your goals and motivation are so heart warming and inspirational to others. I can't wait to follow along with you on this amazing journey and also learn more about your healthy eating recipes and the type of workouts you do on a daily basis. YOU GO GIRL!
ReplyDeleteWhat an inspiration!!
Wonderful, Emily! Great job on the transformation and your post.
ReplyDeleteWhere do you share about your eating? And did you take supplements?
ReplyDeleteWonderful, Emily! Great job on the transformation and your post.
ReplyDeleteWonderful, Emily! Great job on the transformation and your post.
ReplyDeleteYou look amazing! I have a few friends competing and always giving me eating and workout tips, I just needed that push to actually listen to them...this post was it! Great work mama!
ReplyDeleteI would be completely thrilled to look like you in your before picture!! Both pictures are of a beautiful woman! Good Luck on your competition!
ReplyDeleteOMG Emily, you look amazing, well you looked amazing before and always have but wow, way to go to set a goal and go for it lady! I am slim like your before photo but really could do with toning up and eating healthier. I worry sometimes that I don't eat the right things or exercise enough. I do try to workout when I can, I don't know how you fit it all in but you sure have inspired me to try harder. I look forward to your tips and recipe ideas. I'm off to work on a fitness plan now :) much love, Emma xx
ReplyDeleteI know I'm behind the times here, but:
ReplyDeleteWOW! I'm not battling baby weight, just the freshman 15. But talk about some inspiration for getting and STAYING healthy and fit. You look amazing. And strong. I bet you feel amazing and strong, too (I hope so.) :) Thanks for the motivation and inspiration!
You are such an inspiration for me :) You work hard, you have a beautiful family, you are very creative and you take care of yourself.
Emily you look great! I recently stumbled across your blog and I'm lovin it!
ReplyDeleteI'm in my post baby stage right now, and for the first time in my life, I want to work out to get toned and build a little more muscle onto these flabby limbs haha. But I honestly have no idea how to. I can't afford a personal trainer and I don't expect YOU to explain every detail of your workout to me, but if you could share any sites, books or whatever you referred to in order to get results that would be incredibly helpful!
ReplyDeleteTHANKS & best wishes!
I'm in my post baby stage right now, and for the first time in my life, I want to work out to get toned and build a little more muscle onto these flabby limbs haha. But I honestly have no idea how to. I can't afford a personal trainer and I don't expect YOU to explain every detail of your workout to me, but if you could share any sites, books or whatever you referred to in order to get results that would be incredibly helpful!
ReplyDeleteTHANKS & best wishes!