Saturday, January 4

Weekend Wrap-up

This Week: was New Years week! this last week was a big family reunion here in our city (because my parents live not too far off), so Christmas day and the day after everyone started trickling in to make a full group of about 50 people! We had a full family reunion last January, so seeing everyone together not even a full year later when they live all over the states all the way to the east coast was a treat. Lots of confusion and chaos for sure, but mixed with plenty of sweet and fun moments! I think that my little clan was the only ones to not get a couple different cold and flu bugs, which is so sad for everyone else but so lucky for us with little baby lydia! Winter is the season for diseases huh? haha Okay away from the sad stuff:)
You might have seen some updates and mentions on the blog and on instagram, but I've been anxious to start working out again as soon as my midwife cleared me to (at 6 weeks post partum), and it has felt so amazing to get back into a routine! Martin's been working out all the time, but once I did we decided to start eating better, cleaner, more often, and have been doing awesome with extra water, vitamins, and we just feel so great! I have tons of fitness and health related posts coming where I'll address all of your questions and cover all the basics, so feel free and ask because now's the time! 
Snap-shots of The Week: mine and Lydia's favorite new accessory // 2014! // my favorite Christmas gift from Martin // early morning window frost // little baby guns:) // the face I stare at all day long // a favorite way to wrap presents // some Lydia snuggle time with her auntie // the most beautiful sunset across the desert

To-do's and Goals for the Week: 
- Begin my health and fitness oriented posts!
- help my house recover from its holiday neglect
- stick to the meal plan a little better
- vacuum the house from top to bottom
- start a new book
- catch up on emails (*snort)
- stick to my workouts
- take a shower. no, really.haha
- post my next YouTube video (or 4)
- go on a chilly walk
- nap by the fire
- keep up with the dishes for once
- read to the kiddies every night

A Few Facts:

  • I am a lotion fiend
  • I wish that every day was Monday
  • I get really giggly when im low on sleep
  • my birthday is Tomorrow:)

Thanks so much for visiting and reading, and I'll see you back here again soon!
xo, Emily

P.S. If you're interested in seeing the most recent photo updates from me, you'd better click to follow below on IG!

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  1. Recently discovered your blog and I am obsessed! I plan to be hanging out on your sidebar soon... ;) Happy New Year!!! P.S. I am obsessed with that navy necklace!

  2. I'd love to know what your basic plan is for working out.. do you plan for the week one day a week! can't wait to follow along haha

  3. You and my husband share Jan. 5th as your birthdays! Happy early Birthday!

  4. happy birthday!!! i get giggly when i'm tired too! hehe :)

  5. Just found your blog and am loving it! You're gorgeous! I hope you have a great 2014!!

  6. oooo, you use a wrap! Please tell me how to use it! :) Beautiful, mama!

  7. Happy birthday! It's my birthday, too. How do you find the time to go to a gym? I'm at home (30 minutes from any gym) full-time with six kids, homeschooling, doing the house-wife stuff, and do well to get a run in three times a week.

  8. I'm new to your blog too and loving it. Thanks for sharing your beautiful family! Loving the pictures.
    Happy New Year

  9. Love seeing your little one all budded up in a wrap, cute! Now really, why exactly is Monday your fave day???? ;)
