Wednesday, December 25

We Wish You a Merry Christmas

I hope you are having a fantastic Christmas day and season! This is such a happy time of year, and today my new little family of 6 is sending so much love to you and yours for Christmas and for the New Year.
The time between Thanksgiving and Christmas always is a time for much reflection and pondering on my life and on all that I've been given, and so here today I want to sincerely thank you so much for being such wonderful friends to me. I feel such support and love from you guys every single day, and I feel like I am indebted to you beyond anything that I can ever pay back, but I hope you know that I am and will always strive for that:)

When I started blogging I thought maybe I had some things that you guys needed to or could learn from me, some way that I could improve your lives and or make you a little happier by sharing the best parts of my own journey, but I didn't realize that in addition there were so many things that I needed to learn from you. I feel so lucky to have met so many amazing and creative women who support my hopes and encourage my dreams. Thank you for sharing even a small portion of your lives with me, and for bringing so much happiness and satisfaction to my life every day. I love you guys! Have the happiest of Christmases today with your loved ones, and I'll see you back here soon!
xo, Emily


  1. Merry Christmas Emily!!! I hope you and your family have an amazing day! The photo of y'all is so's the first time I've realized how much your kids look like Martin haha

    Have a happy day!

  2. Merry Christmas and happy holidays!

    - April

  3. What a beautiful family. Have a very Merry Christmas! God Bless!

    Brittany @ Everyday Thoughts

  4. Merry Christmas!! Your Christmas family photo is perfection!

  5. Merry Christmas! and Happy Holidays :)

  6. Merry Christmas Emily!. God bless your beautiful family. Thank you for continuing writing your blog, you really inspired me. Every Time I read your blog is my moment to enjoy, learn and take my break of the day. It is a real pleasure read your blog. Please continuing do it.

  7. SO sweet. Love this photo of your sweet family, Emily. Merry (belated) Christmas, hope you all had a memorable one.

  8. Merry Christmas Emily !! I follow a lot of blogs and I usually don t comment but I wanted to tell you that your blog is amazing ! You are a huge inspiration for me !


  9. Merry Christmas Emily ! Your blog is amazing and a huge source of inspiration !!


  10. Merry Christmas! What a beautiful family you have!

    Rachel Ashley

  11. Merry belated Christmas! I love this picture of your adorable family. I hope you all had a wonderful holiday!

  12. Merry Christmas! What a lovely photo of your family!!!

  13. I just discovered your blog and would have to say I'm quite impressed to see you have a lovely growing family and still have time look young, gorgeous, and keep up with your blog etc! I'm 32 and have 3 gorgeous kids myself, ages 8,3, and 1 that I'm extremely proud of. I've always had to keep busy with something though, never making the excuse that I don't have time cause of my kids... which I think is important for any mama as we are always so busy but so importantly need 'us time'. One of my latest projects has been to start a blog which I'm loving doing, it's about all things Natural, Handmade and Healthy living. I hope I can inspire others the way you do. Keep it up! From one long haired red-head to another.(love your hair tutorials btw. My eldest daughter and I have long hair and tend to be quite boring leaving it up all the time. You've given us some nice tips, tx) xx
