Wednesday, August 21

August '13 Mix Tape

Morning loves! So I know I normally get the mix tapes out the first week of the month(or try to at least) but with all that's been going on around here I don't think you were too worried about it:) better late than never right? Anyways, here's August's mix comprised of favorite songs from the same-ish tempo etc I've found myself putting on repeat in the past few weeks. You know the drill, just scroll down for 'side B', and click to play! I really hope you enjoy: 
I hope you found a new song or two that you like and or enjoyed a few old favorites:) If you're new to the mixes than follow this link to see the rest and hear what they're all about, and as always I looooove to check out new music so if you have a awesome band or favorite song please let me know!
xo, Emily
P.S. The Freckled Fox has a new Facebook page! So if you're a previous FB follower or would simply like to connect that way, please feel free to click the 'Like' button below! xoxo
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  1. I love your mix tapes, I figured we weren't going to get one this month. -Hanna Lei

  2. So funny, I love almost all these songs and artists! Ray LaMontagne, Lana del Rey, and Zero 7 are three of my all time favorites ;)

  3. I love that your mix tapes are playable right from your post! Makes it so much easier! I have a recommendation for you, Grace Potter and the Nocturnals. Especially "Stars" and "Never Go Back;" I think they'd be right up your alley.

  4. Always looking forward to these posts. I'm excited to see Birdy on your playlist this month. Her voice is beautiful.

  5. Lana del rey, my favorite singer!!!! at the moment (right now?) I listening to this song : Kill kill

  6. I just discovered your blog! Love it!!!!!! I love this Mixtape idea. So great!
