Wednesday, April 3

iPad Mini Giveaway!

Happy Wednesday! Wow this week is flying by, and I still can't get over how jammed the rest of the month is going to be on here! First we had a fabulous visa giftcard giveaway start on Monday, and today I'm announcing another amazing giveaway! I'm so happy to introduce the host of the giveaway, my dear friend Janee, who was awesome enough to let me help her celebrate all her milestones by bringing you this chance to win an iPad Mini! Here she is:
Happy April Friends! Today I have a very very special treat for you. I {in collaboration with many other lovely ladies} am giving away a 16GB iPad Mini! No joke. For real!!
 {{{Source | Pizzaz by me}}}

Why you ask? For several reasons::: To say thank you to you my beloved readers. To celebrate Yellow Bird + Yellow Beard blog reaching 2000 followers. 2000. I can hardly believe it. Thank you SO MUCH. To celebrate over 1000 posts. And finally to celebrate my golden birthday! I'm turning 26 on the 26th of April.

Who are these amazing women who have contributed to this monumental celebration? They are as follows. Please, I implore you, visit them. Say hi to them. Follow them. They are all more than worthy of your time, guaranteed.
Little Baby Garvin ::: Shannon Hearts ::: The Freckled Fox ::: Easy Makes Me Happy ::: Sew Tara ::: Oh The Lovely Things ::: Gentri Lee ::: Ciera Design ::: Yellow Heart Art ::: Bouffe e Bambini ::: MaieDae ::: Jenny Highsmith ::: All That Glitters ::: A Day In A Joyful Life ::: Oana Befort ::: Anna Delores ::: Bubblewrapp'd ::: Wild Olive ::: Going Home To Roost ::: A Pair of Pears ::: Kneadle & Bread

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Don't forget that as you're already a follower of this blog you've got an easy entry, and that you probably have lots more since you no doubt already follow a lot of these other amazing bloggers:) If not, then you should be!
Thanks for stoppin by today, and I'll see you every day this month for more exciting things to come.
xo, Emily


  1. Ah! Awesome! I love Oh the Lovely Things and can't wait to catch up on these other bloggers.
    Thanks for having this giveaway. :)

  2. Thanks for the awesome giveaway! Definitely followed some new blogs because of it!

  3. Thanks for hosting this amazing giveaway. Just celebrated my birthday on Good Friday so this would make a great belated B-Day gift, haha!!! Cute blog name too. Nice play on words (Fox/Foxy Lady) Cute!

  4. This is such a generous giveaway and I've loved getting to know these other bloggers! I got my last entries in with three minutes to spare :)
