Wednesday, January 16

Will you be my Valentine?

Hey guys! Its Emily here, back again to let you know how much I'd love for you to advertise your blog, shop or brand on my blog for the next month!! What do you say, wanna be lovers?
It just so happens that the love month is my 1 year 'blogiversary' month, and I have such big lovely plans! The Xl is already taken, but if you wanna book your future spot before prices rise again go ahead and make my day! Also smalls are an easy in, mediums spaces are open and getting more so, and large spaces will be following suit very soon!! Email me if you are interested in the discounts for Multiple months. Also keep in mind that with over a thousand new followers in social media, statistics have been tripling and the prices of ads will rise very soon to better reflect those changes, so lock in the deals while you can!:) I've varied my sizes and prices enough so there's bound to be a perfect match for you. What do you think? Will you be my Valentine?!? 

email if you have any questions! Securing your spot has never been faster or easier then with Passionfruit handling the goods, and if you need some help with an ad button just let me know!

I'm so looking forward to getting to know you better and helping to boost your blog or brand:) Can't wait to work with you!
xoxo, Emmy
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