Friday, January 18

FF #50

This week I found...

...this cold weather outfit from polyvore. love the baggy sweater, and the slouchie beanie!
"Cold Weather Outfit" by wiferichie on Polyvore

...this amazing looking eggplant curry dish. That combination sounds so amazing right now!
Plantain and Eggplant Curry (From Sri Lankan Kitchen) | Spicy Tasty

...this amazing photo of a swimming couple from the 40's. So cute and retro! I miss summer...
It's impossible not to adore this darling snapshot of a young couple sharing a passionate kiss whilst out enjoying a swim. #1930s #thirties #vintage #beach #couple #beautiful #handsome #man #woman #kiss #kissing #retro

...this DIY for linen napkins! I really love this ladies blog. so many ideas.
DIY: linen holiday napkins

...this cute quote. Well Said.


...this pair of laceup boots. Not sure if I love them or dislike them haha. What do you think, too 1800's?
Lace Up Boot

...this amazing recipe for Maple Swirl Biscuts. oh. my.goodness.
Original Pinner States:  Maple-Swirl Biscuits Nothing's better than fresh-from-the-oven, warm, buttery rolls on a chilly fall day. We upped the delicious factor with a double dose of pure maple syrup -- once in the dough and again in our sweet, creamy frosting.

...this kitty. Guys, i am having serious kitty cravings.
tiny sleepy leopard kitty = adorable

...this amazing planter ring! Not sure I'd feel right about wearing that thing, but its pretty interesting!
jewelry gone green

...this is another dessert I know, but how could I resist these chocolate oat clusters?
Chocolate Coconut Oatmeal Clusters / Bev Cooks

What are some things inspiring or getting you excited this week?
Hope you have a fantastic weekend coming up! 
xo, Em


  1. Aw! That outfit is cute - don't love everything together but individually...

    Yum! Maple swirl buns!? Yes, please!

  2. Love the color combo of that cold weather outfit, the maple swirl bisquits, the striped kitty, and that fun planter ring! :)

  3. The boots are a definite yes.

  4. That outfit looks so nice and comfy! And those lace up boots are amazing!!! :D Have a great weekend!

  5. I love the ring, I don't know if I could wear it but maybe as a decorative thing?

    Kittens, just so darn cute!!

  6. OMG I WANT those boots! They're a little bit steampunk and I LOVE 'em!!

  7. I love that outfit! What don't i own a taupe chunky sweater?! ;)
    And that ring is crazy... @_@

  8. Your Friday Favs are what I a excited about. Fantastic choices. Beats Lauren Conrad every time LOL Yours is so much better then hers

  9. Oh my.. All of the food looks delicious! I love the outfits and I love those boots! :) I want a kitty too but I'm allergic.. :( That ring.. Does it have a matching necklace? Like a vase of flowers on a chain or something?? Lol.. It's interesting but I def wouldn't wear it. Happy weekend! Enjoy!

  10. Okay, I NEED THAT KITTEN!!! You just gave me kitten cravings. :) And I love that cold weather look. Perfect colors.

  11. The boots are way cool-looking. I think someone with nice long legs could pull it off. I certainly couldn't haha. But they're definitely cool! :)

  12. Oh that outfit in polyvore looks great dear! :)

    Happy weekend!

    ★♡ Missin' My Outfit Posts? (^_^) ♡★
    Outfit Post: BAdA$$ Rocker Chic
    Chic, Rockstar, Edgy Party Look!

    ❤ ~Chai
