Saturday, September 1

Insta-life #1

Happy September! I know that I've said it before, but September is my favorite month of all time, so even though the weather is very hot around here still, I'm sitting inside with cold air conditioner in my hoodie and slippers, sipping hot herbal tea as I type. 
Here are  few instagram pictures to share with you today:
1. daily listenings - 2. freshly picked raspberries 
3. a little thrifted treasure- 4. Sophie the giraffe
5. parlor curtain fabric!- 6. installing our new wood stove
7. adding to my collection - 8. mismatched socks
9. nerd glasses & messy hair - 10. free motion in my 'spare' time

This girl *thumbs at chest* is most likely upgrading to an Iphone very soon! *fist pump* and I have a strong feeling that I'm going to be way more addicted to instagram (which is why this is entitled #1:)), so if you wanna be instagram friends find me as Emilymeyers13, and I'll check you out right back! (in a totally non-dirty way:)) 

Take care, and have a fantastic first day of September!
xo, Emily


  1. Such a fun blog! I via-ed a pic from your Posh Faux Hawk hair tutorial :-) Worn it twice already and really love it. I am planning on taking pictures and posting them next time I wear it. Happy Blogging!

  2. I have the very same record player!! What are you spinning? I've got Elton John - Your Song spinning currently.

  3. YUM on those raspberries!! Love the pictures have a great weekend :]

  4. Glad to know I'm not the only one who drinks hot tea in the summer and wears warm clothes around the house. ;) I get cold so easily!

    Those raspberries look delicious. And how cute is that owl mug and those socks?!

  5. I'm addicted to IG and just follow you there now. IG is also fun way of instant blogging, right? Just found your blog for a couple of days and my daughter have fun doing your step by step hair tutotial. Best regards!

  6. What exactly is the thrifted treasure? It looks gorgeous!

  7. Those raspberries look so good! And the socks too.

  8. Instagram is definitely addictive...I almost wish my life were more exciting so I could post more! Also, you look adorable in those glasses :)


  9. my socks never match , so i buy myself cute little ankle ones with prints so it looks semi intentional instead of flat out lazy haha

  10. He, cute post! Those berries look so delicious! :)

  11. Fall is my favorite season too! I can't wait to wear sweaters and booties all the time! Also, i'm addicted to instagram as well, i just went on and followed you! xo
