- sleep in
- wake girls at 9:30am
- help the mister with his blog
- breakfast
- start roast
- laundry in the nursery
- sort boxes in master closet
- organize material in sewing room
- dust the main floor
- vacuum e v e r y w h e r e
- lunch
- girls down for nap
- sew kitchen curtains
- write out plans for dining room curtains
- start Ellie's halloween costume finally!
- make whole wheat bread
- outfit post
- hair tutorial pics edit
- fininsh bottle project
- post other etsy items
- phone calls
- laundry loads
- eat dinner
- finish playlist
- post 4 blog drafts
- schudule senior shoots
- house straighten
- girls to bed by 8:30pm
- nighttime routine
- sleep
Loves! Emily
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