Sunday, September 25


The seasons must be changing because I am getting the urge to clean and reorganize. I tackled my craft books today, not exactly getting the categories together, more just actually putting the craft books in general together on the shelves.ha ha  I've written out categories though and made shelf labels! isn't that great? soon I'll have all the sewing, quilting, painting, knitting, crocheting, general crafting, and miscellaneous books all grouped together with their friends. But Oh holy idea overload, batman!

Between this stack, what not's pictured (about twice again as much, or more) and what’s currently in my pinterest boards, I could never again get another pattern or book or see another idea and I’d still have wayyyyyy more projects than time! It’s enough to totally overwhelm!
Up next for me in sewing: I’m planning on new twirly skirts from an old one of mine for the girls, teaching myself to knit, working on Ellie's twin set, dabbling in my acrylics on fabric, bottle holders, 'bag' bags, downsizing martin's coat and some pairs of my jeans (now below my pre-preg!), playing a little more with crochet, and finishing up a handful of the quilts I started for etsy... which i began this past conference weekend while we were in quarantine with  the kids in the living room while they were fighting off the plague.

happy weekending!!

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