Monday, December 21

The 2 Minute Rope Braid Hairstyle

Happy Christmas week everyone! We've been having a pretty good time at our house, fitting in lots of Christmasy activities and treats and extra time together. I also managed to film this tutorial for you guys that everyone got quite excited about, and I can't wait for you to try it and tell me what you think!
As I say in the video, I first did this style kindof by accident because I was cooking food and wanted my hair out of my face, but I still wanted it long and pretty, and now it's my go-to style! Take a look:

And that's it! Just so easy and quick to achieve, it makes me look like I have super thick hair (news flash, I really don't!), and I always get compliments on it wether I'm wearing it to church or to the grocery store, etc.  

So hopefully my demo made enough sense, please excuse my deeper-than-normal voice as I'm getting over a cold, and don't forget to let me know what you think! 



  1. Love this hairstyle! I just might be able to do this! I'm all thumbs over here! But I'm gonna try this tomorrow! Thanks for sharing!

  2. That looks adorable! I can never get the hang of most braids, but I'll definitely have to give this a go!

    Saz // Oh Dollymix

  3. This is so cute! My hair is getting super long-not as long as yours, but super long for me-- and I've been looking for some new styles to wear it. I'm going to try this tomorrow! Thanks!

  4. My long hair has layers and I've been struggling with side braids because the hair coming from the opposite side keeps sliding out and making my hair a mess. Do you have any ideas on how I can keep all my hair going to the side? I'm pretty new to dry shampoo and have only used it at my roots... Do you think it would give my hair more grip to keep it all going to the side?
    Thank you!!!

  5. Beautiful hairstyle:) I'm for sure going to try it out!
    Wishing you and your family a happy holiday <3

  6. So nice ! I'm gonna try this on my 5-year old daughter. Would you have any hairstyle idea for little girls ? I'm sure your little princesses would be great models for hair tutorials :-)

  7. Love this! Your hair is beautiful :)

  8. Thanks so much for this. It was easier than I imagined. Just wish my hair was as lovely as long as yours.

  9. Your hair is amazing! I would kill for my hair to be that thick and long. #goals.


  10. Wow I have seen this style but all the videos looks so have made is super easy to understand - thank you. Am off to try it now. I have hair envy too - your is gorgeous!

  11. loved the video for this :)

  12. Your hair is absolutely gorgeous! I love this hair style and cannot wait until my hair grows longer ♥

  13. I'm trying this today! It's not nearly as polished as yours but I love it so far! I can't wait to keep trying it and perfecting it!

  14. How do you make your hair look so thick? Serious hair jealousy... ;)

  15. Thank you for the video, appreciate it. Your hair is really very good, wish they were In BTW, I have tried many french braid hairstyles like these and I definitely going to try this style too.

  16. Great Tutorial! I really appreciated the way you have demonstrated all the steps with the help of video. I tried some of the cute hairstyles. I hope this would be a worth trying hairstyle. Thanks

  17. Great info! I recently came across your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my first comment. I don’t know what to say except that I have. full lace human hair

  18. Love your braided hairstyle! Thanks for the comprehensive tutorial! I like styling my hair in braids. I find it convenient and super attractive! I love braided hairstyles with the whole heart. To get more hairstyles ideas like this Go right here.

  19. your vedio is pretty helpful ,thanks for sharing , i will will give it a go for my new hair.and pls take care sweetie!
