Thursday, December 17

Mommy Letters: To Eleanor

Happy Friday friends! When Justin Hackworth took our photos this year, he took pictures of each child on their own and really managed to capture their sweet individual natures. I decided to use those pictures and also share a little mushy letter that I've written to each child- a favorite year's end tradition- with you guys! I'll start with my sweet Eleanor and work my way down the list in age order before the New Year. Enjoy!

To our sweet Eleanor,

You will always be so special to us, because it was you who made us parents. You made us a family. You helped us find a new kind of life that we never knew existed. You bound us together into a unit of love and happiness more powerful than anything else. When I look into your beautiful blue eyes I can still see that wrinkly little newborn in my arms, as well as glimpses of the woman you will become all too soon.

Your tender heart and sweet spirit are such a blessing to our family, every single day. 
There have been so many moments when I've felt overcome with emotion, when I've felt alone and afraid with the pressures of motherhood and the struggles that this year have brought to our family, and then your soft hand is suddenly resting on my shoulder, and your sweet words of comfort come. I'll never forget those moments:)

 You're stronger than you know Ellie, you're more grown up than I like to admit, and you're an example to us every day of unconditional love and friendship. Thank you for always being such a big helper, so eager to learn, and so willing to share.

We love you so so much!
- Love mama

P.S. Martin is writing letters to each of the children as well, but we decided to save those for them. Also thank you again to Justin for working your magic! I'm always so amazed at how much soul I can see in my babies eyes through your photography.



  1. Oh my goodness - you have a beautiful way with words! I never realized how much she looks like Martin! What a beautiful child she is. I'm so glad Martin is writing them all letters, too, and that you're keeping them private. I pray for you guys often and you are never far from my thoughts. Big Hugs...


    1. Thank you for your sweet comment! It's been a couple months I know but I just had to reply and say that:)

  2. This is such a precious idea! So sweet.

    -Erin @ DIY on the Cheap

    1. Thank you so much Erin! I started writing them notes every week while I was pregnant, but I realized that at least once a year was necessary now that they're growing so fast. Too fast!

  3. So beautiful that you write these letters, they will treasure them. Hope Martin is doing ok :)
