Saturday, May 31

Weekend Wrap-up

This Week: the weather has really switched from Spring to Summer enough that we've officially started running the air conditioner in our cars, and need to put our window unites back in the house (it's a 1907 and there's no air ducts) in order to keep more cool. We had our first bonfire outside together getting rid of some yard rubbish, and we kept the kids up late to roast their first marshmallows- it was awesome. I've kept up collecting fun decor and prints from online and my favorite stores to add to a few remaining bare walls and shelves, and the huge urges to clean like a mad woman that always come with Spring haven't let up at all. I like it though, even if it makes me stay up late dreaming of better ways to organize and clean everything.haha
Weekly Snapshots: leftover leaves from the fall // a yummy planning time snack // making more progress at the gym (shoulders!:)) // walking with the girls through the cemetery on Memorial Day // a quote that I need framed // soft flowers on a spiky cactus // teaching the kids to eat pistachios // a colorful latte bowl collection // seeing how dead flowers are still beautiful.

To-do's and Goals for the Week:
- fold the 10 baskets of clean laundry in the parlor

- catch up on emails!
- make whole wheat cinnamon rolls
- take the car to get fixed
- build the rest of the bunny house
- complete a little project every day
- film something (anything!) every single day
- take the kids for a play-date
- have a couple naps throughout the week
- juice every day
- start a new book
- plan our upcoming trip to the mountains!

A Few Facts: 

  • I used to be deathly afraid of spiders, and now... I'm still deathly afraid of spiders
  • Lydia started crawling like crazy this week, the only problem is she's going backwards instead of forwards.haha makes for some fun situations:)
  • there's nothing quite like the feeling of your soft pillow after a long day when you just can't keep your eyes open anymore. Best feeling ever.
  • I'm setting a goal to film something every single day in June (even if it's with my iphone!) in order to post more regularily on my channel, so I know already that I'll be asking for your encouragement and requests frequently! haha
Thanks for visiting sugar-puff, come back again soon,

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  1. Love the lists! Very motivating! I really like the idea of filming something everyday. Once we get done moving into our new home I want to try it!

  2. great photos! I love that you literally post everything :) haha

  3. Oh, I envy that you guys are already into Summer ... Our spring turned out to be a tropical nightmare with all the extras - pouring rain, thunderstorms and cold wind :((

  4. Yay love your videos ! cant wait to hear (and maybe see?) what you thought of the Fit BumpBundle !!!

  5. Oh, Emily, I was just thinking how wonderful it is to just snuggle with your favorite nice soft cool pillow and just sleep. Heavenly. You are looking so amazing, lady! It blows my mind that you have 4 littles.

  6. beautiful as always!
