Wednesday, February 13

Recipe: Fancy Biscoff Fudge

Happy Valentines Eve! I know that you're probably all off getting last minute drinks and treats (wither you're single or not:)) and making plans for tomorrow, so I'll just make this short and sweet! Valentines always means sweet around here, so this year I decided to make a few of our own instead of buying them, and this is what we're enjoying this week:
How many of you have flown Delta? How many of you have had those little cookies they pass out, and saved the wrapper so you could find some more when you landed? Cuz I know I'm not the only one! From the first Biscoff Cookie I had years ago it was love. Now I have then special ordered shipped to my doorstep, I'm that nuts about them. I've sprinkled the crumbs on icecream, and crunched them into crusts, so I thought, why not think up a dessert where they were the main staple? So I brought my two (just about) favorite things together, Biscoff, and Fudge, and they make the sexiest couple.
This recipe is one that we'll be repeating again and again, and I may just never make a different kind! Some of the base of this recipe comes from one that my mother used for different fudges when I was growing up, and so we've been excited to add yet another spin on it:) 

Wonderfully creamy, and smoothness that melts in your mouth. The prefect combination of sweet and rich, with a touch of spice that gives you that cozy warm feeling with every bite. The perfect Indulgence for Valentines day. Best consumed with milk:) 

Fancy Biscoff Fudge
- 3 cups Powdered Sugar
- 1 cup Biscoff Butter
- 2 1/2 cups brown sugar
- 1/2 cup butter
- 2 tsps Pure Vanilla extract
- 3/4 cup milk
- 2 tsps Cinnamon
- 2 tsps nutmeg
- 1 tsp ground cloves

Step 1. start by putting your powdered sugar in a glass measuring cup or mixing bowl so you can see the edges. Add your butter to a small saucepan and heat till melted. Grease an 8x8 pan with oil or butter and set aside. Add your brown sugar and milk and stir to combine as you bring to a boil.
Step 2. Once you have a rolling boil set your timer for 1 minute, remembering to scrape the bottom continuously so it won't burn. Turn your heat down to low and add in your vanilla and Biscoff butter, stirring till your Biscoff is well dissolved and mixtures is smooth and creamy. 
Step 3. remove your pan from the stove and quickly add it to your powdered sugar, mixing together quickly with a hand-mixer. (NOTE: this part is time sensitive, so no checking text messages!) Fudge is already setting up, so as soon as you've combined everything together, use a spatula to scrape mixture into your 8x8 pan. Spread around with your spatula if you wish, or be like me and bang your pan on the countertop a few times to help everything settle:) (I like the natural texture on top:))
Cover with plastic wrap and store in your fridge for 2+ hours, then  cut into 1 inch squares to serve! In case there are only two of you in the house, your squares of fudge will last at least a week in the fridge in a plastic bag, beyond that I don't know:) Make it, love it. come back and thank me later:)
Cleanup is the best part, just in case you can't wait to taste the fudge, its right there on your mixer! Also whatever you do don't taste the saucepan spoon you used for tasting, you may just decide to not mix in the powdered sugar next time. Just saying.

Let me know if you decide to give it a try my dears, or if you have any questions!
Have a fantastic Valentines Day!:)
xoxo, Emily


  1. will try to make it soon
    thanks for sharing dear <33

    come and see my blog,

  2. im the biggest sweet tooth. will definitely try making these. thanks for the recipe.

    love, x
    blog | twitter

  3. Oh my gosh, this look delicious!

  4. Mmm that looks absolutely delicious Emily! Unfortunately every time I have tried to make fudge (well, both times!) it has failed miserably but you may just have inspired me to give it another try.

  5. Woow amazing!
    I love fudge! <3

  6. I can't due to allergies but this looks delicious.

  7. Bookmarking!

    Happy Valentine's Day! :)

  8. OM NOM NOM!
    I have to try this :D


    Would you like follow each other?:)

  9. Oh my goodness my mouth is literally watering! Those look amazing, I will definitely have to try this recipe :)
